Native American Indian Dog Names: Apache Names

Apache is the collective term for several culturally related groups of Native American tribes, currently the subjects of ongoing centuries-long genocide and ethnic cleansing, originally from the Southwestern United States. These indigenous peoples of North America speak a Southern Athabaskan language, which is related linguistically to the languages of Athabaskan speakers of Alaska and western Canada. Check out the below list for Native American Indian Apache dog names inspired by Apache baby names.

Apache Female Dog Names

Maayaha: Grandmother Nellie.

Gouyen: Wise Woman.
Lozen: Sister of Victorio.
Dahteste: Warrior Woman.
Nalin: Maiden.
Bina: Musical instrument.
Ekta: Unity.
Ela: Earth.
Kushala: Safe.
Liluye: Hawk singing.
Nascha: Owl.
Onawa: Wide awake.

Apache Male Dog Names

Cochise: Hardwood.

Biminak: Slick roper.
Bimisi: Slippery.
Bipin: Forest.
Bodaway: Firemaker.
Eknath: Poet.
Elan: Friendly.
Illanipi: Amazing.
Kuruk: Bear.
Nantan: Spokesman.
Nitis: Friend.
Tarak: Star.
Nana: Warrior and Chief.
Geronimo: Warrior and Chief.
Mangas: Warrior and Chief.
Victorio: Warrior and Chief.
Taza: Warrior and Chief.
Juh: Warrior and Chief.
Chalipun: Warrior and Chief.
Cassadore: Warrior and Chief.
Diablo: Warrior and Chief.
Alchesay: Warrior and Chief.
Delshay: Warrior and Chief.
Dasodaha: He only sits there.
Loco: Warrior and Chief.
Taklishim: Grey one.

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