German Shepherd Names, Names For German Shepherd Puppies

German Shepherd NamesThe German Shepherd, or abbreviated as GSD, is a breed of medium to large-sized working dog that originated in Germany. German Shepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding and guarding sheep. Because of their strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training they are often employed in police and military roles around the world. Check out our collection of German Shepherd dog names for male or female puppies.

AbbyFather in rejoicingFemaleHebrew
AbeFather of a multitude or many nationsMaleHebrew
AdolfinaNoble wolfFemaleEnglish
AdolphNoble wolfMaleEnglish
AdrianFrom HadriaMaleLatin
AikoLove childFemaleJapanese
AlaricNoble rulerMaleGermanic
AlexDefending menUnisexGreek
AnjaFavor, graceFemaleRussian
Anubis[God of the dead]UnisexAncient Egyptian
ArthusBear Hero, A RockMaleWelsh
AtlasNot enduringUnisexGreek
AxelFather of peaceMaleHebrew
AylaOak treeFemaleHebrew
BellaMy God is a vowFemaleHebrew

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