Lazy Dog Names, Names for Lazy or Sleepy Dogs

Lazy Dog NamesLazy dogs take the art of lounging to new levels, they do not have the energy or desire to run circles around. They tend to lay around all day, they feel most at home on your couch or their doggie bed. Lazy is just the attitude these dogs live, you have to pick up a lazy dog name for him or her. You get the idea of lazy names from synonyms of Lazy, Slow, Sleepy, also you can get the idea from the lazy characters of the movie, cartoon or books. Check out the below lazy dog names at for your inspirations.

AlAn Abbreviation Of Names Beginning With Al-MaleEnglish
AlfieWise counselorUnisexEnglish
BarneySon of consolationMaleHebrew
BerkBirch clearingMaleEnglish
BoozerExcessive alcoholic drinkerUnisexEnglish
BudBrother. Nickname Used Since Medieval Times.MaleEnglish
BuzzTo move quickly and busily, to bustleMaleEnglish
CartmanAfter the character in the Southpark cartoonsUnisexEnglish
ChewyNeeding chewing.UnisexEnglish
ChubbsRounded and plump.UnisexEnglish
CooperBarrel makerMaleEnglish
CrashTo smash into things, to break or dash to pieces. To join a party without invitation.UnisexEnglish
DillyFrom Standard Word Meaning Genuine Or Sincere.UnisexWelsh
DozerOne who sleeps lightlyUnisexEnglish
DustyThor's stoneUnisexNorse
FarleyFern woodMaleEnglish
FetchTo go after something and return with it.UnisexEnglish
GarfieldTriangular fieldMaleEnglish
GroverTree groveMaleEnglish
GusFrom Gustave - Staff of the GothsMaleEnglish

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