Westie or West Highland White Terrier Dog Names

Westie Dog NamesWest Highland White Terrier is a Scottish breed of dog with a distinctive white coat, it is known as Westie or Westy. It is known that Barack Obama family want a Westie for short, because it is friendly, spunky and easy to train. Michelle Obama has said the girls want to name their pup Snowball. The color of the coat and the origins can be used when naming a West Highland White Terrier dog, check out the below list for more ideas.

AbbieFather in rejoicingFemaleHebrew
AbbyFather in rejoicingFemaleHebrew
AbigailFather in rejoicingFemaleHebrew
AngusOne choiceMaleGaelic
ArchieValuable: Bold.MaleEnglish
AspenAspen treeFemaleEnglish
BabyBabyUnisexAmerican English
BaliOn the contraryMaleSwahili
BambiLittle girlFemaleItalian
BarneySon of consolationMaleHebrew
BellaMy God is a vowFemaleHebrew
BentleyBent grass clearingMaleEnglish
BessDiminutive Of Elizabeth.FemaleHebrew
BillyWill, desire and helmet, protectionMaleGermanic
BiscuitA cookie or crackerUnisexEnglish
BlossomBlossom, flowerFemaleEnglish
BobbieBright fameFemaleGermanic
BobbyBright fameUnisexGermanic
BonsaiThe art of growing dwarfed ornamental trees and shrubs.UnisexEnglish
BridgettStrength. Mythological Celtic Goddess Of Fire And Poetry.FemaleEnglish
BrodyMuddy placeMaleGaelic
BusterOne that breaks up somethingUnisexAmerican English

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