20 Short But Unique German Dog Names For Boy Or Girl Puppies

Many dog parents like long dog names because they do not like those overused names. But it's hard for canines to recognize those long names. When coming up to dog names, we think the shorter, the better. So, short, simple, and unique dog names will be the perfect options. Here comes our selection of 20 short dog names of German origin for your male or female puppies, these names have the perfect meanings and they are definitely unique in dog parks. Check out the below list and select your favorite names for your German Shepherds or other breeds.

Female German Dog Names

Anika - Favor, grace.
Dame - Lady.
Elma - Helmet, protection.
Frauke - Little lady.
Greta - Pearl.
Heidi - Noble kind.
Inka - Fertility God.
Liebe - Love.
Trudi - Spear of strength.
Wald - Forest.

Male German Dog Names

Alex - To defend, help.
Berg - Mountain.
Bert - Bright.
Blitz - Lightning.
Bruno - Brown.
Didi - Warrior of the people.
Egon - Edge of a sword.
Ingo - Fertility God.
Rein - Pure.
Sieg - Victory.

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