65 German Dog Name For Male Puppies

Germany is the country of dogs, and there are lots of great breeds of dogs originated in Germany, for instance German Shepherd Dog, Boxer, Dachshund, Great Dane, Miniature Pinscher, and Rottweiler. Today these breeds of dogs are very popular around the world, they lived everywhere to show us the spirit of the old Germany.

It is not easy to find a common German male dog name, because these breeds of dogs are various in personality, heritage, and color. We pulled together a list of 65 unique German dog names for your male puppies, and we hope you will like this collection of dog names.

Adler: German for Eagle.

Aldo: Wise one.
Arnold: Powerful eagle.
Aronos: High mountain.
Axel: Peaceful.
Ballard: Warrior.
Barrett: Brave as a bear.
Benno: Brave like a bear.
Berger: Mountain dweller.
Bismarck: Former German Chancellor.
Blitz: Lightening.
Blitzer: Lightening.
Boris: Fighter.
Bronson: Brown's son.
Bruno: German for brown.
Dominik: Lord.
Ernest: Vigorous.
Falk: Wolf.
Falko: Falcon.
Felix: Lucky.
Fritz: Peaceful ruler.
Gerhard: Brave spear
Gunnar: Warrior.
Gunter: Warrior.
Gunther: Battle warrior.
Hank: Ruler.
Hans: God is gracious.
Heinrich: German form of Henry, meaning "home ruler".
Johan: JGod is gracious.

Kaiser: King.
Karl: Man.
Kasper: treasurer.
Klaus: Victory of the people.
Klein: Small.
Kleiner: River.
Kolby: Dark-haired.
Kolton: Coal town.
Ludwig: Famous fighter.
Luger: Gun.
Luther: Famous warrior.
Manfred: Man of peace.
Matthias: Gift from God.
Max: Great.
Milo: Merciful.
Morgen: Of the sea.
Nicodemus: Victory of the people.
Odo: Wealthy.
Oskar: Spear.
Otto: Prosperous.
Panzer: Armor.
Prinz: Prince.
Rayner: Deciding warrior.
Rolf: Famous wolf.
Rudolf: Famous wolf.
Rudy: Abbreviation of Rudolph: Famed wolf.
Rupert: Famed; bright; shining.
Saxon: Short sword.
Schatz: Little treasure.
Schwartz: Black.
Siegfried: Peace of victory.
Sigmund: Victorious hand or protector.
Udo: Rich, prosperous.
Ulrik: Power of the wolf.
Waldo: Rule.
Wolfgang: Rising wolf.

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