Yuppies Dog Names, Names Inspired By Yuppies and Yupsters

Yuppies Dog NamesYuppism is not definable entirely by income or class, it is a cultural phenomenon of self-absorbed young professionals, earning good pay, enjoying the cultural attractions of sophisticated urban life and thought. A yupster is a blend of yuppie and hipster, and it is a hipster with a professional job who seeks to climb the corporate ladder but remains true to indie musical tastes, lives in a hipster neighborhood, and likely has a hipster hairstyle. Check out our collection of classic and cool yuppies dog names for both yuppies and yupsters.

AddisonSon of AdamMaleEnglish
AidanLittle fireMaleGaelic
AlastairDefending menMaleGreek
AlexaDefending menFemaleGreek
AliceNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AllegraHappy, jauntyFemaleItalian
AndrewMan, warriorMaleGreek
ArabellaYielding to prayerFemaleEnglish
ArdenLofty. Eager.FemaleEnglish
AudreyNoble strengthFemaleEnglish
AvaVariant Of Medieval Given Names Avis And AvelineFemaleGermanic
BarnabySon of consolationUnisexHebrew
BeatriceVoyager through lifeFemaleLatin
BeckyTo tieFemaleHebrew
BellaMy God is a vowFemaleHebrew
BrodyMuddy placeMaleGaelic
BrookA brook, streamFemaleEnglish
BrookeA brook, streamUnisexEnglish
BryceSon Of A NoblemanMaleFrench
CarolinaFree manFemaleGerman
CarolineFree manFemaleGerman
CharlesFree manMaleGermanic

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