
Pronunciation: [Al-ice]

Gender: Female

Meaning: Noble kind

Origin: Germanic

Noble, exalted. Made famous by the heroine in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1865) and "Through the Looking Glass" (1872).

Variant Forms

AleciaOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AlessaDefending menFemaleGreek
AliaTo ascendFemaleHebrew
AliciaNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AlikaDefending menFemaleGreek
AlisaOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AlishaProtected by godFemaleIndian
AlisonNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AlissaOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AlizNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AlizeThe Clouds Of HeavenFemaleEnglish
AllieGreatest. A Variant Of Allah - The Supreme Being In The Muslim Faith.FemaleEnglish
AllisonNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AllyNoble, KindFemaleEnglish
AllysonOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AllyssaNobel. Derived From The Name Of The Alyssum Flower.FemaleEnglish
AlysaNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AlyseOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AlysiaOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AlysonOf noble kindFemaleFrench
AlyssaNoble kindFemaleGermanic
ElissaMy God is a vowFemaleHebrew
ElkeNoble kindFemaleGermanic
EllieAbbreviation Of Eleanor And Ellen.FemaleEnglish
ElsaMy God is a vowFemaleHebrew
ElyssaMy God is a vowFemaleHebrew

Famous People Named Alice

Alice Roosevelt Longworth was the eldest child of President Theodore Roosevelt.

Alice Paul was a women’s rights activist and a key figure of the 20th century women’s suffrage movement.

Alice Munro is a Man Booker International Prize winning writer from Canada.

Alice James was an American diarist, known mainly for her posthumously published diary that she kept in her final years.

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