47 Famous Poodle Dog Names Owned By Celebrities

The Poodle is a group of formal dog breeds, the Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle and Toy Poodle, with many coat colors. It's amazing that lots of celebrities or artists owning Poodles. We have pulled together this collection of celebrity Poodle dog names along with their super star owners. Of course these unusual Poodle dog names make perfect names for your male or female Poodle puppies.

Amos: Ann Sheridan.

Basket: Alice B. Toklas.
Becket: Richard Burton.
Bessie: Jean Simmons.
Blu blu: Lady Mendl.
Buddy: Barbra Streisand.
Buttermilk: Ashley Jud.
Camille: Joan Crawford.
Charley: John Steinbeck.
Cliquot: Joan Crawford.
Coco: Greer Garson.
Demi: Rock Hudson.
Doctor: Jayne Mansfield.
Dusty: Joss Stone.
Farouk: Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Fozzi: Lady Ga Ga.
Gaullie: Jackie Kennedy.
Gigi: Ellen Pompeo.
Gus: Princess Grace.
Josephine: Jacqueline Suzanne.
Lady: Walt Disney.
Little missy: Barbara Stranwyck.
Love: Sharon Tate.
Mable: Ellen Degeneres.

Mafia: Marilyn Monroe.
Man ray: Gertude Stein.
Millie: Ann Miller.
Misty: Dorothy Parker.
Morningstar: Natalie Wood.
Mutzi: Eartha Kitt.
Noodles: Natalie Portman.
Oliver: Grace Kelly or Rhianna.
Penny: Blake Lively.
Pierre: Loretta Young.
Pudla: Artur Rodzinski.
Rufus: Winston Churchill.
Sadie: Barbra Streisand.
Shadow: Vanessa Hudgens.
Smidgeon: Anne Francis.
Smokey: Claudette Colbert.
Stella: Betty White.
Sunday: Princess Grace.
Tosya: Vladimir Putin.
Trix: Katy Turner.
Valentino: Ellen Pompeo.
Winky: Linda Rodin.
Wolf: Ellen Degeneres.

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