Tough Male Dog Names, Tough Boy Dog Names, Page 8

MooseLargest member of the deer family. Moose have heavy brown bodies with humped shoulders and broad antlers.UnisexEnglish
NelsonSon of NealMaleEnglish
NeptuneGod of the seaUnisexLatin
NikoVictory of the peopleMaleGreek
NiteshHeartbeat Of The EarthMaleHindu
OakleyFrom the oak meadowMaleEnglish
OliverElf armyMaleFrench
OnyxA gemstone with bands of different colours.UnisexEnglish
OrionSon Of FireMaleGreek
OrrinLittle green oneMaleGaelic
OscarDivine spearMaleEnglish
OswaldUncertain, possibly divine powerMaleGerman
PacoFrom FranceMaleLatin
PanchoFrom FranceMaleLatin
PantherA black leopardUnisexEnglish
ParkerGamekeeper of a parkMaleEnglish
PeanutEdible nuts eaten raw or roasted.UnisexEnglish
PhantomSomething elusive. A ghostUnisexEnglish
PorterOne who carries goodsMaleLatin

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