Tough Male Dog Names, Tough Boy Dog Names, Page 4

ConanLittle wolf houndMaleGaelic
CopperA reddish brown metal - as in copper penny coins. Also slang for a police officer.UnisexEnglish
CoreyGod's peaceMaleGermanic
CrashTo smash into things, to break or dash to pieces. To join a party without invitation.UnisexEnglish
DamianTo tameMaleGreek
DamienTo tameMaleGreek
DandyAn elegant man.UnisexEnglish
DawsonDavid's sonMaleEnglish
DempseyProud, haughtyMaleGaelic
DenverDane crossingMaleEnglish
DesmondMan from south MunsterMaleGaelic
DexterDyer of clothMaleEnglish
DiabloThe DevilUnisexEnglish
DiggerOne that digs.UnisexEnglish
DocShort for doctorUnisexEnglish
DominoSmall, rectangular black and white blocks used in the game of dominos.UnisexEnglish
DozerOne who sleeps lightlyUnisexEnglish
DustyThor's stoneUnisexNorse
DutchA GermanMaleEnglish

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