Italian Greyhound Dog Names, Names For Iggy Puppies

Italian Greyhound Dog NamesThe Italian Greyhound is a small breed of dog of the sight hound type, sometimes called an "I.G." or an "Iggy". Its Italian name is Piccolo Levriero Italiano, French name is Levrette d'Italie, German name is Italienisches Windspiel, and Spanish name is Galgo italiano. The Italian Greyhound is the smallest of the sighthounds, they are in the toy group based on their weight, but are larger than other dogs in the category due to their slender bodies. Check out our collection of Italian Greyhound dog names for your male or female puppies.

AbbyFather in rejoicingFemaleHebrew
AdolfoNoble wolfMaleEnglish
AlettaNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AlfredoElf counselMaleEnglish
AliceNoble kindFemaleGermanic
AndreaMan, warriorUnisexGreek
AndriaMan, warriorFemaleGreek
AntigoneThe opposite of her forbearsUnisexGreek
ArchieValuable: Bold.MaleEnglish
AriesBattle strifeUnisexGreek
ArtemisMyth Name (Goddess Of The Hunt)MaleGreek
AtlasNot enduringUnisexGreek
AxelFather of peaceMaleHebrew
BabyBabyUnisexAmerican English
BambiLittle girlFemaleItalian
BanditAn outlaw or robberUnisexEnglish
BatmanA fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC ComicsBothHebrew
BearLarge mammal with large head, bulky body and coarse thick furUnisexEnglish
BeatriceVoyager through lifeFemaleLatin

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