Male Cocker Spaniel Dog Names, Boy Cocker Spaniel Dog Names, Page 4

FoxyResembling a fox. Slang for sexyUnisexEnglish
FrecklesDotted with small brownish spots.UnisexEnglish
FudgeA soft, rich candyUnisexEnglish
GarfieldTriangular fieldMaleEnglish
GarrettStrength of the spearMaleGermanic
GeoffreyGod's peaceMaleGermanic
GizmoA mechanical device or gadget.UnisexEnglish
GooberSouthern US term for peanut. Also chocolate covered peanutsUnisexEnglish
GradyChild of nobilityMaleGaelic
GusFrom Gustave - Staff of the GothsMaleEnglish
HardyStrong, hardyMaleGermanic
HarleyHare clearingMaleEnglish
HaroldLeader of an armyMaleEnglish
HarrisonSon of HarrisMaleEnglish
HarryHome rulerMaleGermanic
HarveyBattle worthy or carnage worthyMaleEnglish
HobbesBright fameUnisexEnglish
HoganDescendent of OganMaleGaelic
HomerPledge or hostageMaleGreek
HoraceHour, time.MaleLatin
HumphreyPeaceful warriorMaleGermanic
IkeHe laughsMaleHebrew
IndianaLand of IndiansUnisexEnglish
IndigoBlue-purple colourUnisexEnglish
IrvingGreen waterMaleEnglish
IsaacHe will laughMaleHebrew

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