Unisex Wirehaired Vizsla Dog Names, Page 2

MickeyWho is like God?UnisexHebrew
PalA friend, buddy, chum.UnisexEnglish
PeanutEdible nuts eaten raw or roasted.UnisexEnglish
PlutoWealth, richesUnisexGreek
RustyRusty, full of rustUnisexAmerican English
SageAromatic herbUnisexEnglish
SammyHis name is GodUnisexHebrew
SargeNoncommissioned Army or Air Force rankUnisexEnglish
SashaDefending menUnisexGreek
SassyLively and spiritedUnisexEnglish
ScotchScotch whiskey.UnisexEnglish
ScoutObserverUnisexAmerican English
SparkyAnimated, lively.UnisexEnglish
SpicePlant used to flavour food or beverages.UnisexEnglish
TimberWood used as a building material. Also timber-wolf.UnisexEnglish
TobyGod is goodUnisexHebrew
TomiKalarbari Of Nigeria Name Meaning "The People."UnisexEnglish
TwixBrand of chocolate bar.UnisexEnglish
WhiskeyAn alcoholic liquor distilled from grainUnisexEnglish

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