56 Sweet Dog Names Inspired By Common Nicknames

A nickname is often considered desirable, symbolising a form of acceptance, but can sometimes be a form of ridicule. Nicknames may refer to a person's occupation, social standing, or title. They may also refer to characteristics of a person. Nicknames can be a descriptor of a physical characteristic, or the opposite of a physical characteristic. When coming up to dog names, you could just use these common nicknames as the name of your beloved puppy. Check out our selection of 56 dog names inspired by common nicknames for your male or female dogs.

Beanpole: A person who is tall.

Blondie: A girl with blonde hair.
Bluey: A person with red hair.
Bones: A forensic scientist, surgeon, or mortician.
Booger: A nose picking person.
Braceface: A person with braces.
Brains: some one at school who is believed to be a clever person.
Brownie: Someone with the name Brown.
Chief: A police or fire chief.
Chrome Dome: A person whose scalp reflects the light.
Cue Ball: A person without hair.
Curley: A person without hair.
Doc: A doctor or, in the military, medic.
Dork: A person who is socially inept.
Dusty: A man with the surname Miller.
Fatso: A person who is overweight.
Fitz: Someone with the name Fitzgerald, FitzPatrick, etc.
Four-eyes: A person with glasses.
Geek: A computer technician.
Genius: some one at school who is believed to be a clever person.
Ginger: A person with red hair.
Jeff: Someone with the name Geoffrey, Jeffry, Jeffrys, etc.
Jock: A scotsman.
Klu: Someone with the name Kluszewski.
Long John: A person who is tall.

Lou: A lieutenant.
Ma'am: A person of a higher rank.
Mac: Someone with the name Macmillan, MacIntyre, McCarthy, etc.
Metal Mouth: A person with braces.
Mick: An Irishman.
Moneybags: A wealthy person.
Nabby: A man with the surname Adams.
Nerd: A person who is smart but odd.
Nobby: A man with the surname Clark.
Pady: An Irishman.
Pinky: A person with Rosacea.
Pizza-face: Severe acne, various racial slurs for skin color.
Ranga: A person with red hair.
Red: A person with red hair.
Sarge: A military Sergeant as in the comic strip Beetle Bailey.
Sawbones: A surgeon.
Shortie: A short person.
Silver Ghost: The Weimaraner's coat color led to its nickname.
Sir: A person of a higher rank.
Ski: Someone with the name Kluszewski.
Sleepy: The dwarf from Snow White.
Slim: A person who is thin.
Small-fry: A short person.
Smittie: Someone with the name Smith, Smythe, Goldsmith, etc.
Smitty: Someone with the name Smith, Smythe, Goldsmith, etc.
Sparky: An electrician or radio operator.
Spaz: A person who is clumsy.
Taffy: A welshman.
Tin Teeth: A person with braces.
Train Tracks: A person with braces.
Zit: Severe acne, various racial slurs for skin color.

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