Cool and Popular Dog Names in California

California is the most populous U.S. state, it is known for its superstars in Hollywood, cool surfers down at the beach, and Silicon Valley dot-com millionaires. When it comes to dog names, it becomes a little complicated, because California is so big and diverse. 

But there are always some overall trends, the names that are popular in California tend to have a lyrical, even romantic sound, for instance Camila and Damian. These names are all especially popular with Latino parents but with a distinctive style. In addition, California is the home of Hollywood celebrities, the dog names trends may be influenced by the whims of the stars. 

If you are looking for a cool west coast dog name for your little puppy, you may check out our pick of the coolest California dog names. Most of them are popular names in the Golden State.

Abigail - The father's joy
Adrian - of the Adriatic sea region
Aiden - Fire
Alexa - Defender of man
Alexander - Defender of man
Alexis - Defender of man
Alyssa - Good humor
Andrea - Manly
Andrew - Brave
Angel - Messenger
Anthony - Highly praiseworthy
Ashley - Lives in the ash tree grove
Ava - Iniquity
Brandon - Hill covered with broom
Brianna - Strong
Camila - Free-born
Chloe - Green herb
Christian - Follower of Christ
Christopher - He who holds Christ in his heart
Daniel - Judgment of God
David - Beloved
Diego - Supplanter
Elizabeth - My God is bountiful
Emily - Hard working
Emma - Universal
Ethan - Strong
Evelyn - Life

Isaac - Laughter
Isabella - Devoted to God
Jacob - That supplants
Jayden - A variant of Jaden
Jose - May God give increase
Joseph - Increase
Jonathan - Jehovah's gift
Joshua - A savior
Julian - Youthful
Kimberly - From the wood of the royal forest
Madison - Gift of God
Matthew - Gift of the Lord
Mia - Feminine abbreviation of Michal
Michael - Humble
Natalie - Born at Christmas
Nathan - Gift from God
Noah - Comfort
Olivia - Symbol of peace
Samantha - Listener
Sofia - Wise
Sophia - Wisdom
Valeria - Brave
Victoria - Triumphant

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