Unusual but Popular Dog Names after City Names

Place-themed names are very popular today, more and more people name their children or pets after one of the place names. 
The chosen name after a city name may be unique, unusual and significant. It might be a special place that the whole family will like it, maybe everyone in the family like to play and stay there. Maybe something special romantically happened there and the family had a beautiful and perfect memory to the place. So, there must be a special significance drawn to the destination name or city name. That’s the reason why people like place-themed names.

For example, Victoria Beckham and David Beckham named their first son Brooklyn because they were pregnant when they were in Brooklyn, New York. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale fell in love with Jamaica. Therefore, they named their son Kingston, which is the capital of Jamaica.
After studying the map of the world we picked dozens of city names here, they are a little special and unusual. But in fact they are very popular among the people, and this proved they are great names. Just pick one for your beloved puppy; it will be unique, unusual and beautiful. 

Alexandria - Feminine of Alexander, means defender of mankind

Austin - Magic dignity, or venerable
Brandon - The Old English for "hill covered with broom"
Chandler - Candle maker and seller
Cheyenne - Capital city of Wyoming
Cody - A cushion; Helpful
George - Farmer
Hailey - Field of hay
Harrison - Son of Harry
Hayden - From the hedged in valley
Jackson - God has been gracious
12. Katherine – Pure and clear
Kimberly - From the wood of the royal forest
14. Madison – Gift of god
Preston - Priest's town
Savannah - From the open plain
Shannon - Little old wise one
Spencer - Keeper of provisions
Sydney - Wide Island: south of the water
Trenton - Refers to the English river Trent
Tyler - Tile layer
Victoria - Victory or triumphant

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