Samoyed Names, Page 8
Name | Meaning | Gender | Origin |
Sophie | Wisdom | Female | Greek |
Sparky | Animated, lively. | Unisex | English |
Sprite | Lemonade flavored soft drink. | Unisex | English |
Stormy | Violent weather | Unisex | English |
Sugar | A sweet powder from sugar cane. Slang for sweetheart. | Female | English |
Sully | Keen eye | Male | Gaelic |
Tacoma | | Unisex | Hebrew |
Tasha | (Christ's) birthday | Female | Latin |
Teddy | Gift of God | Male | Greek |
Tip | From Thomas, Meaning Twin | Unisex | Greek |
Titan | Powerful big man | Unisex | Greek |
Toby | God is good | Unisex | Hebrew |
Tony | Derived From Victoria Triumphant. | Male | Latin |
Tori | Conqueror | Female | Latin |
Trinity | Threefold | Female | Latin |
Tucker | Someone who folds cloth | Male | English |
Uno | | Unisex | Hebrew |
Vanilla | Flavouring agent from the vanilla bean | Unisex | English |
Vicki | Conqueror | Female | Latin |
Vinnie | Conquering | Male | Latin |
Weezer | | Unisex | Hebrew |
Whitey | Slang for a white person | Unisex | English |
Winston | Joy stone | Male | English |
Winter | Winter | Female | English |
Wolf | Wolf | Male | English |
Xander | Defending men | Male | Greek |
Zelda | Gray warrior | Female | Germanic |
Zero | Small effort | Male | Arabic |
Zoe | Life | Female | Greek |
Zorro | Means fox in Spanish. | Male | English |
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