Pyrenean Shepherd Dog Names, Names For Pyr Shep Puppies

Pyrenean Shepherd Dog NamesThe Pyrenean Shepherd, also known in France as the Berger des Pyrenees, and in Spain as the Pastor de los Pirineos, is a medium-small breed of dog native to the Pyrenees mountains in southern France and northern Spain. Other names of the breed include Petit Berger and Pyrenees Sheepdog, Pyr Shep is its nickname. The Pyrenean Shepherd is the smallest of the French herding dogs. Pyr Sheps are "one-man" dogs, attached and dedicated to their owners. Check out our collection of Pyrenean Shepherd dog names for male or female puppies.

AbnerThe father is a lightMaleHebrew
AikoLove childFemaleJapanese
AntoineHighly Praiseworthy. See Anthony.MaleLatin
AntoinetteBeyond Praise. Feminine Of Anthony.FemaleLatin
AveryElf counselMaleEnglish
BiscuitA cookie or crackerUnisexEnglish
BlossomBlossom, flowerFemaleEnglish
BonsaiThe art of growing dwarfed ornamental trees and shrubs.UnisexEnglish
BorisBattle, fightMaleSlavonic
BriarThorny plantUnisexEnglish
BugAn insect. A disease-producing microorganism. An error in coding or logic that causes a malfunction in a computer a program. An electronic listening device. An enthusiasm. Slang for annoy.UnisexEnglish
BulletA metal cylinder shot from a rifle or gun. Used to express speed.UnisexEnglish
CaesarLong HairMaleLatin
ChampagneFrench regionUnisexFrench
CheerioBrand of breakfast cerealUnisexEnglish
ChiquitaSmall oneFemaleSpanish

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