Presidential Dog Names, Names After Dogs Of U.S. Presidents

Presidential Dog NamesPresidential dogs are royal and cool, and they are often the focus of the white house life. Many presidential dogs have creative names. For example, John Adams have five hounds named Mopsey, Cloe, Forester, Captain, and Lady Rover. Bill Clinton's famous chocolate lab was named Buddy. Barack Obama had two Portuguese Water Dogs named Bo and Sunny. If you are interested in these dogs, you could consider naming your new puppy after one of these first dogs. Check out the complete list of presidential dog names and select your favorite names for your boy or girl pups.

BarneySon of consolationMaleHebrew
BlackberryPrickly shrub with small edible berriesUnisexEnglish
BlackieOf the colour black.UnisexEnglish
BlackjackA leather covered hand weapon. A card gameUnisexEnglish
BruceSurname Since Medieval Times: Now A Common Given Name. Folklore Tale Of 14Th Century Robert King Of Scotland: (The Bruce) Who Learned The Value Of Perseverance From Watching A Spider Spin A Web.MaleEnglish
CaptainA captainUnisexEnglish
CharlieFree manUnisexGermanic
CloeVariant Of Chloe.UnisexEnglish
DashFrom ChielMaleFrench
EdgarProtector of the goodMaleEnglish
FalaCrowFemaleNative American
FidoStereotypical name for a dog, from the Latin word for "faithful".UnisexEnglish
FrecklesDotted with small brownish spots.UnisexEnglish
HectorHolding fastMaleGreek
HeidiNoble oneFemaleGermanic
JackGod is graciousMaleHebrew
JetBlack gemstoneUnisexEnglish
LaraFrom the ancient city Larisa.FemaleRussian
MacaroniA hollow tubed shaped pasta.UnisexEnglish
MaisiePet form of MaireadFemaleGaelic

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Presidential Dog Names: US Presidents and their Dogs

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