Medieval Male Dog Names, Medieval Boy Dog Names, Page 7

RamseyWild garlic islandMaleEnglish
RandallShield rimMaleGermanic
RhettAdvice, counselMaleEnglish
RichardStrong powerMaleFrench
RobertBright fameMaleGermanic
RodneyRenown islandMaleEnglish
RogerFamous spearMaleEnglish
RoldanPopularity of the landMaleSpanish
RonaldRuler with counselMaleNorse
RowanLittle red oneMaleGaelic
RuddRuddy ColoredMaleEnglish
RudyardRed yardMaleEnglish
RusalkaWood nymphUnisexCzech
RylanCountry of cereal grassMaleEnglish
SableSable (black)UnisexEnglish
SawyerOne who saws woodMaleEnglish
SeverinPrudent, wiseMaleItalian
SheaHawklike - graceful, free, courageousMaleGaelic
SheltonA ledge - literally shelf townMaleEnglish
ShermanOne who shears clothMaleEnglish
SilasOf the forestMaleLatin
SpaldingA field dividedMaleEnglish
SpencerSomeone who gives out goodsMaleFrench
StanislavFamous for his stead-fast characterMaleSlavonic
SterlingLittle star - stellarMaleEnglish
StewartGuardian of the houseMaleEnglish

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