Male Lowchen Dog Names, Boy Lowchen Dog Names, Page 4

RockyBattle cryMaleGermanic
RustyRusty, full of rustUnisexAmerican English
SamHe is called godMaleHebrew
SammyHis name is GodUnisexHebrew
SandyDefending menMaleGreek
SashaDefending menUnisexGreek
SassyLively and spiritedUnisexEnglish
ScampA mischievous youngsterUnisexEnglish
ShortyOf less than average sizeUnisexEnglish
SlimSlender in proportion to height.UnisexEnglish
SparkyAnimated, lively.UnisexEnglish
SpikeA long, thick sharp-pointed piece of wood or metalMaleEnglish
SquirtSlang for a small personUnisexEnglish
StanleyMeadow that is stonyMaleEnglish
StumpyA short, thickset personUnisexEnglish
TeddyGift of GodMaleGreek
TillyPowerful battlerUnisexGermanic
TimmyTo honor God, to fear GodMaleGreek
TinyExtremely smallUnisexEnglish
TobyGod is goodUnisexHebrew
TootsieA girl or young woman.UnisexEnglish
TuckerSomeone who folds clothMaleEnglish
TylerTile makerMaleEnglish
WinstonJoy stoneMaleEnglish
ZeusMyth NameMaleGreek

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