Male Labrador Names, Boy Labrador Names, Page 2

EddieWealth protectorMaleEnglish
EdgarProtector of the goodMaleEnglish
ElmerNoble and famousMaleGermanic
ElyFamous FighterMaleEnglish
FarleyFern woodMaleEnglish
FentonMarsh townMaleEnglish
FidoStereotypical name for a dog, from the Latin word for "faithful".UnisexEnglish
FraserUncertain, perhaps from FrisiaMaleEnglish
FredPeaceful rulerMaleGermanic
FultonBird-catcher settlementMaleEnglish
GabeGod is my mightMaleHebrew
GeneralA high ranking officer in the militaryUnisexEnglish
GeorgeEarth workerMaleGreek
GodivaGift from GodUnisexEnglish
HamletFoolish and dullMaleDanish
HappyShowing satisfaction or joyUnisexEnglish
HardyStrong, hardyMaleGermanic
HeathPerson living on a heath or near heatherMaleEnglish
HersheyBrand of chocolate.UnisexEnglish
HowieNichname For Howard Noble Watchman.MaleEnglish
HudsonSon Of The Hooded ManMaleEnglish
IkeHe laughsMaleHebrew

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