Knowledgeable Dog Names, Names That Mean Knowledge

Knowledgeable Dog NamesKnowledge is power, and your little dog will learn a lot before he grow up. If you want a knowledgeable dog names for your newborn puppies, you could check out this collection of knowledgeable dog names. These amazing dog names have the meaning of knowledge, wise, and wisdom, and they make good names for your smart male or female puppies.

AbdulThe servantMaleArabic
AidanLittle fireMaleGaelic
AkeemWise or insightfulMaleArabic
AkiliWisdom, intellect, senseFemaleSwahili
AldenOld friendMaleEnglish
AlfredElf counselMaleEnglish
AlvisUncertain, possibly all wiseFemaleNorse
AngusOne choiceMaleGaelic
AntoinetteBeyond Praise. Feminine Of Anthony.FemaleLatin
AntoniaFeminine Form Of Antonio Beyond PraiseFemaleLatin
AparaOne who comes and goesFemaleAfrican
ArtemisMyth Name (Goddess Of The Hunt)MaleGreek
AubreeElfin kingFemaleEnglish
AubreyElfin kingFemaleGermanic
AubrieElfin kingFemaleEnglish
AveryElf counselMaleEnglish
BalthasarGod or Lord protect the kingMalePhoenician
BenaPartridgeFemaleNative American
BenjaminSon of my right handMaleHebrew
BertramFamous ravenMaleGermanic
BinaOf the Sabine tribeFemaleLatin
BonaventureProsperous fateMaleLatin
BostonBotolph's townUnisexEnglish

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