Unisex Bulldog Names, Page 2

DiggerOne that digs.UnisexEnglish
DodgerOne that dodges or evadesUnisexEnglish
DozerOne who sleeps lightlyUnisexEnglish
DuchessFrom the AristoCatsUnisexEnglish
FlashTo move rapidly.UnisexEnglish
FoxyResembling a fox. Slang for sexyUnisexEnglish
GeneralA high ranking officer in the militaryUnisexEnglish
GizmoA mechanical device or gadget.UnisexEnglish
HappyShowing satisfaction or joyUnisexEnglish
HersheyBrand of chocolate.UnisexEnglish
JawsBones that form the mouth. A dangerous situation - "The Jaws of Death"UnisexEnglish
JaxJack's sonUnisexEnglish
KishiBeach, seashoreUnisexJapanese
LizzieMy God is a vowUnisexHebrew
MagicPossessing qualities that produce baffling effectsUnisexEnglish
MagnumA large type of wine bottle.UnisexEnglish
MamaSaturday bornUnisexAfrican
MangoAfter the character in Saturday Night LiveUnisexEnglish
MaxiPet form of names starting with MaxUnisexEnglish
MidnightIntense darkness, the middle of the nightUnisexEnglish
MojoGood luck charm.UnisexEnglish
MonsterA creature of frightening appearanceUnisexEnglish
MooseLargest member of the deer family. Moose have heavy brown bodies with humped shoulders and broad antlers.UnisexEnglish
PaisleyChurch, cemeteryUnisexEnglish

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