99 Famous Movie Dog Names After Canine Movie Stars

Dogs can be best actors or actresses, and they are often seen in films. If you think your little puppy also get the talent, you could choose a famous movie dog name for him or her to match his or her celebrity personality. Check out the below list of famous movie dog names and select your favorite name for your beloved dog.

Ace: German Shepherd dog in the movie Danny Boy.

Asta: Dog in the movie The Thin Man films.
Balto: Made famous from the movie Balto.
Beatrice: One of the stars in the movie Best in Show.
Beethoven: Great name for a St. Bernard.
Benji: Star of many kids movies.
Bingo: Great name choice for a high energy breed.
Bo: Famous name in the movie The Billion Dollar Hobo.
Bolt: From Disney movie Bolt, good for an active puppy.
Braveheart: German Shepherd in the movie The Deserter.
Bruno: Famous German Shepherd in the movie The Enchanted Forest.
Buck: One of the Malamutes in the movie Eight Below.
Buddy: Dog from the Air Bud movies.
Camile: Dog from Turner and Hooch, good for a female dog.
Cap: The Great Dane in the movie A Dog of Flanders.
Captain: German Shepherd dog in the movie Fighting Fury.
Chance: The bulldog in the movie Homeward Bound.
Charlie: Con artist dog in the movie All Dogs Go to Heaven.
Chinook: German Shepherd in the movie Fangs of the Arctic.
Clifford: The big red dog, star of many animated movies.
Colonel: Sheepdog in the movie 101 Dalmatians.
Cora: The pooch in the movie To Dance with the White Dog.
Cujo: The evil quadruped in the movie the Stephen King novel and movie.
Demon: Famous Dog from Snow Dogs.
Dewey: Name of one of the Huskies in the movie Eight Below.
Diesel: Dog from the movie Snow Dogs.
Digby: Good dog name for a large breed.
Dixie: Winn-Dixie, the canine star in the film of the same name.
Dutchess: Famous movie dog name from Snow Dogs.
Dynamite: German Shepherd in the movie Four Footed Ranger.
Einstein: Pooch in the movie Back to the Future.
Fearless: German Shepherd in the movie Detective K-9.
Flame: Dog in the movie Dog of the Wild.
Fly: Border Collie in the movie Babe.
Friday: German Shepherd in the movie Eyes in the Night.
Genevieve: The furry star in the movie Bringing up Baby.
George: Another Dog in the movie Bringing up Baby.
Goofy: Star of many Disney movies.
Gromit: Sidekick to Wallace in the movie the Wallace & Gromit movies.
Hachi: A loyal Akita in the film Hachi.
Hooch: Slobberin Dog from Turner and Hooch.
Hubert: One of the canines in the movie Best in Show.
Jenna: Famous movie dog from Balto.
Jerry lee: The German Shepherd in K-9 movie.
Jessie: The farm pooch in the movie Animal Farm.
Kazan: German Shepherd in the movie Ferocious Pal.
Klondike: German Shepherd in the movie Fangs of Fate.
Lady: High-class canine in the movie Lady and the Tramp.
Lady: German Shepherd in the movie Fighting Fury.
Lassie: The classic, famous movie dog.
Lenny: From Lenny the Wonder Dog.
Lobo: German Shepherd in the movie Guard that Girl.
Lucky: Dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians.
Kerouac: Starred in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills.

Mac: Making his debut in the movie Snow Dogs.
Marley: Dog from the movie Marley and Me.
Max: One of the Huskies in the movie Eight Below.
Maya: Another Husky in the movie Eight Below.
Nana: Name of Dog from Snow Dogs.
Nanook: Pooch in the movie The Lost Boys.
Old jack: Another one of the many Huskies in the movie Eight Below.
Otis: The pooch in the movie Milo and Otis.
Perdita: A Dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians.
Pongo: Dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians.
Precious: Canine in the movie Silence of the Lambs.
Prince: Great Dane from 20th Century, star in many movies.
Ranger: Pooch in the movie Dog Justice.
Rhapsody: One of the stars in the movie Best in Show.
Rhett: Starred in the movie Steel Magnolias.
Rin tin tin: Famous Hollywood star.
Rinty: Character in the movie The Adventures of Rex and Rinty.
Rowf: Canine star from The Plague Dogs.
Rusty: The German Shepherd in the movie the Adventures of Rusty series.
Sampson: German Shepherd in the movie Monster on the Campus.
Scooper: Made it's splash on the big screen in Snow Dogs.
Scraps: Starred in the movie Corpse Bride.
Shadow: The golden retriever in the movie Homeward Bound.
Shaggy: The Dog from Shaggy the Dog.
Shep: The pooch in the movie A Dog's Love.
Shorty: One of the many Huskies in the movie Eight Below.
Silver streak: German Shepherd in the movie Code of the Air.
Skip: Famous movie dog name from My Dog Skip.
Smokey: German Shepherd in the movie Hittin' the Trail.
Sniff: Found stardom in the movie Snow Dogs.
Snitter: From The Plague Dogs, better stay away!
Spot: From See Spot Run, good for an active pooch.
Strongheart: German Shepherd in the movie The Love Master.
Tarzan: German Shepherd in the movie Inside Information.
Thorn: Made it's four legged debut in the movie The Lost Boys.
Thunder: Starred in the movie Black Lightening.
Toto: Most famous movie dog name from The Wizard of Oz.
Tripod: Three legged pooch in the movie The Kid.
Truman: One of the too many Huskies in the movie Eight Below.
Winky: One of the stars in the movie Best in Show.
Winn: Winn-Dixie, the lead in the film of the same name.
Wylie: Wylie Burp, the character from Feivel Goes West.
Yeller: From the movie classic Old Yeller.
Yodel: Dog starred in the movie Snow Dogs.
Zero: The famous Dog in the movie Nightmare Before Christmas.

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