143 Male Or Female Spanish Dog Names With Meanings

There are lots of breeds of dogs originating in Spanish, for instance Spanish Water Dog, Great Pyrenees, Papillon, Ibizan Hound, and Bichon Frise etc. These Spanish dogs deserve Spanish names, and we have pulled together a collection of 143 dog names for your male or female Spanish puppies. Even if your dog is not of Spanish origin, if you like Spanish language or culture, you could give your dog a Spanish name. Check out the below list for male, female, and unisex dog names of Spanish origin.

Male Dog Names of Spanish Origin

Abejundio: Bee.

Alejandro: Defender.
Alonzo: Noble and ready or prompt.
Antonio: Beyond Praise.
Armand: Man in the army.
Armando: Man in the army.
Belen: Bethlehem.
Benito: Blessed.
Bernardo: Bear brave.
Carlo: Free man.
Carlos: Free man.
Carmine: Garden.
Chico: Boy.
Cirooyvts: Royal.
Consuelo: Solace.
Cortez in: Triumph.
Cruz: Cross.
Dante: Enduring, obstinate.
Dario: Maintain well.
Diego: Supplanter.
Domingo: Lord.
Don: World rule.
Donato: Given by God.
Eduardo: Rich guard.
Eloy: Selection.
Emilio: Rival.
Enrique: Home ruler.
Esteban: Crown.
Eva: Life.
Federico: Peaceful Ruler.
Felipe: Lover of horses.
Ferdinand: Peaceful venture.
Fernando: Intelligent and Brave.
Francisco: From France.
Galeno: Clever little child.
Geraldo: Spear ruler.
Gitano: Gypsy.
Gonzalo: Fight.
Guido: Forest.
Guillermo: Will, desire or, protection.
Hernan: Intelligent and brave.
Inigo: Fiery.
Jorge: Earth worker.
Jose: May God give increase.
Joseluis: Combination of Josa and Luis.
Juan: God is gracious.
Julio: Down-bearded youth.
King: King's forest clearing.
Leon: Lion.
Leonardo: Strong as the lion .
Lisandro: Freeing a man.
Lobo: Wolf.
Manco: Foundation.
Lorenzo: Man from Laurentum.
Luis: Fame and war.
Marco: From the god Mars.
Marcos: From the god Mars.
Mario: From the god Mars.
Marques: Lord of the marches.

Female Dog Names of Spanish Origin

Beatriz: Voyager.

Belinda: Beautiful serpent.
Bella: My God is a vow.
Blanca: White.
Bonita: Pretty.
Brisa: Breeze.
Carina: Beloved.
Carissa: Caress.
Carlotta: Free man.
Carmen: Garden.
Catalina: Pure.
Charo: Variant of Rosa.
Chica: Little girl.
Chiquita: Small one.
Cielo: Heaven.
Consuela: Solace.
Coraima: Shining light, high mountain, messenger.
Corazon: Heart.
Cornelia: Horn.
Cristina: Follower of Christ.
Dahlia: Dweller in the valley.
Damita: Little Noble.
Delora: Sorrows.
Delores: Sorrows.
Dolores: Sorrows.
Drina: Defending men.
Eldora: Gift of sun.
Elena: Wicker, reed, shoot.
Elsa: My God is a vow.
Emelda: Entire battle.
Esmeralda: Emerald.
Esperanza: Hope.
Estefany: Crown.
Estrella: Star.
Felicia: Happy.
Fernanda: Possibly peaceful venture.
Flor: Flower.
Frederica: Peaceful Ruler.
Frida: Peace.
Fuensanta: Holy fount.
Gabriela: God is my might.
Giselle: Hostage.
Gitana: Gypsy.
Graciela: Grace.
Hada: Noble spirit.
Idola: Idol.
Ines: Meek, chaste, variant of Agnes.
Inez: Chaste.
Inocencia: Innocent.
Isabela: My God is a vow.
Isamar: Elision of Isabel del Mar.
Jacinta: Hyacinth.
Jade: Precious green stone.
Juana: God has been gracious.
Julia: Down-bearded youth.
Justina: Righteous.
Lalo: To Sing A Lullaby.
Lareina: The Queen.
Laura: Laurel.
Lela: Dark-haired beauty.
Letitia: Joy.
Lita: Light.
Lola: Sorrows.
Loretta: Laurel.
Lucia: Light.
Lucinda: Light.
Luisa: Fame and war.
Luna: Moon.
Lupe: Valley of the wolves.
Luz: Light.
Macaria: Blessed.
Madrona: Mother.
Magdalena: Of Magdala.
Marcela: Little Marcus.
Marcia: From the God Mars.
Margarita: Pearl.
Maria: Bitter.
Maricruz: Mary of the Cross.
Marina: From the God Mars.

Unisex Dog Names of Spanish Origin

Bebe: Baby.
Cheese: Food derived from milk.
Guadalupe: Valley of the wolves.
Jaime: Supplanter.
Linda: Snake.

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