240 Indonesian Dog Names For Your Kintamani Puppies

Indonesia is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia. Both nature and culture are major components of Indonesian tourism. The natural heritage can boast a unique combination of a tropical climate. The ancient Prambanan and Borobudur temples, Toraja and Bali, with its Hindu festivities, are some of the popular destinations for cultural tourism. The Kintamani is a dog native to the Indonesian island of Bali. If you adopted a new Kintamani puppy, or you had a unforgettable trip to Indonesian, or you just like Indonesian culture, you could consider choosing a Indonesian dog name for your male or female puppy.

Female Indonesian Dog Names

Adinda: Dear younger sister.

Agustina: Born in August.
Aini: The eye.
Angkasa: The sky.
Arti: Meaningful.
Arum: Smells good.
Asoka: Name of a flower.
Ati: The heart.
Atin: A common girl's name.
Bethari: Goddess.
Budiwati: The wise one.
Citra: Image.
Dewi: Goddess.
Diah: Teenage girl.
Dwi: The second child.
Eka: The first child.
Elok: Beautiful; awesome; jewel.
Endah: Beautiful.
Guritno: Poet; poetic.
Harum: Smells good.
Ika: One.
Indah: Beautiful.
Intan: Diamond.
Inten: Diamond.
Kade: A popular girl's name.
Kamboja: Frangipani.
Kemala: Magic stone.
Kemuning: Yellow flower.
Kristina: Christian woman.
Kristiyana: Christian woman.
Kristiyani: Christian woman.
Kunthi: Motherly.
Langit: The sky.
Lastri: A common girl's name.
Legi: Sweet.
Lestari: Everlasting.
Maharani: Empress.
Marshanda: Brave girl.
Mawar: Roses.
Mega: Clouds.
Melati: Jasmine.
Merpati: A dove.
Mlathi: Jasmine.
Murni: Pure.
Mustika: Magic stone; talisman.
Natalia: Born on Christmas Day.
Ndari: Full moon.
Niken: Village girl.
Ningrat: Noble.
Ningrum: Inside the soul.
Ningsih: With love.
Nini: Old woman.
Nirmala: Clear, pure.
Nur: Light.
Nuri: Colourful bird.
Peni: Pretty.
Permata: Precious stones.
Pertiwi: The earth.
Puja: To worship.
Putri: Princess.
Rara: Lesser nobility.
Ratih: Goddess of Beauty.
Ratu: Queen.
Ria: Merry.
Rima: Rhyme.
Sakti: Hard to beat.
Saraswati: Hindu Goddess of Learning.
Sari: Essence.
Sarwendah: Wholly beautiful.
Sembojo: Frangipani.
Setiawati: Loyal, faithful.
Sinta: Chastity.
Siti: Noble woman; earth.
Sujatmi: A popular girl's name.
Sukma: The soul.
Tri: The third child.
Tuti: An unusual girl's name.
Utama: Prominent; ultimate.
Utari: Patient.
Wangi: Fragrant.
Wani: Daring.
Wening: Quiet.
Wulan: Moon.

Male Indonesian Dog Names

Agung: Grand, great.

Aman: Safe.
Ananda: Dear son.
Ardhi: Mountain.
Argo: Mountain.
Ari: Inner skin.
Arief: Wise.
Arif: Wise.
Arjuna: Chivalrous.
Arto: Money.
Arya: Warrior.
Asmara: Love.
Asmo: Name.
Asmoro: Love.
Atmo: The soul.
Bagaskoro: Sun rays.
Bagus: Good.
Bakti: Obedient.
Bambang: Knight.
Banyu: Water.
Baskoro: Midday sun.
Basuki: To flourish.
Batara: God.
Bayu: The wind.
Bejo: Lucky.
Berkah: God's gift.
Bethara: God.
Bima: Brave.
Bimo: Brave.
Bintang: A star.
Bisma: Courageous.
Bowo: Personality.
Budi: The wise one; conscience.
Budiarto: Good money.
Budiman: The wise one.
Bujana: Dinner party.
Bulan: The moon.
Bunga: Flower.
Buwono: The globe.
Cahya: Light.
Cahyo: The light.
Cahyono: Light.
Candra: The moon.
Catur: The fourth child.
Chahaya: Light.
Cipta: To create.
Cipto: To create.
Darma: Good deed.
Dian: A candle.
Dumadi: Becoming.
Eko: The first child.
Elang: Falcon.
Emas: Gold.
Galang: To assemble.
Garuda: Eagle.
Gathot: Name of a snack.
Geni: Fire.
Gesang: Life; alive.
Gita: Boy.
Graha: Building.
Gunadi: Meaningful.
Gunawan: Meaningful.
Guntur: Thunder.
Gus: Moslem teacher.
Gusti: Prince.
Hamengku: Guardian.
Hamzah: Good man.
Harta: Treasure; riches.
Harto: Treasure.
Ijo: Green.
Iman: Faithful.
Ismaya: Wise; God-like.
Jagat: Planet earth.
Jaka: Young man.
Jati: Teak.
Jaya: Victorious.
Joko: Young man.
Joyo: Victorious.
Kabul: Fulfilled wish or prayer.
Kali: River.
Karna: Gentlemanly.
Karno: Gentlemanly.
Katon: Visible.
Kersen: A cherry.
Kirana: Beautiful ray of light.
Krisna: Wise.
Kristiono: Christian man.
Kusuma: Flower.
Kusumo: Flower.
Kuwat: Strong.
Langgeng: Everlasting.
Lemah: The ground.
Lesmana: A foolish night.
Mulia: Noble.
Musa: Moses in English.
Nakula: One of a twin.
Netro: The eye; vision.
Panut: Good example.
Perak: Silver.
Perwira: Officer.
Perwiro: Officer.
Ponco: Five.
Prakoso: Strong.
Pramana: Wisdom.
Pratama: The first.
Puntadewa: Silent.
Purnomo: Full moon.
Purwanto: The youngest male child.
Putra: Prince; son.
Rachmad: Blessed.
Raden: Lesser nobility.
Raharjo: Plentiful.
Rahmad: Blessed.
Rahmat: Blessed.
Ramelan: A prophecy.
Rimbo: Jungle.
Rino: Day.
Riyadi: Religious holiday.
Rojo: King.
Sadewa: One of a twin.
Sampoerna: Perfect.
Sanjaya: Victor.
Santoso: Peaceful.
Sapto: The seventh child.
Satriyo: Knight.
Satya: Faithful.
Senen: Monday.
Sentosa: Robust.
Setia: Loyal, faithful.
Setiawan: Loyal, faithful.
Seto: White.
Sigit: Handsome.
Slamet: Saved.
Soleh: Pious.
Sugiarto: Rich.
Sukmo: The soul.
Sura: Martial arts champ.
Surya: The sun.
Susila: Righteous.
Teguh: Tough.
Tirta: Water.
Tirto: Water.
Topan: Hurricane.
Unggul: Superior.
Untung: Lucky.
Wahyu: Enlightenment.
Waluyo: Long-lived.
Wibawa: Charisma.
Wibowo: Charisma.
Wicaksono: Wise.
Widi: Benevolent.
Widodo: Safe and sound.
Wijaya: Victorious.
Wiji: Seed.
Wira: Hero.
Wiyoto: Musician.
Yuda: War.

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