28 Boy Dog Names Inspired by United States Presidents

If you are looking for some presidential dog names, you could check out this list of boy dog names inspired by United States Presidents. Most of these names are first names of U.S. presidents, and they make perfect names for your little male puppies. From George to James, there is always a president name you will love.

Abraham: Abraham is a Hebrew name meaning father of nations. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.

Andrew: Andrew is a Greek name meaning manly. There were two presidential Andrews: Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson.
Barack: Barack is an Arabic name meaning blessed. Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States.
Benjamin: Benjamin is an English name meaning son of my right hand. Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president, between the two Grover Cleveland presidencies.
Calvin: Calvin is a Latin name meaning bald. Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president of the United States.
Chester: Chester is an English name meaning fortress. Chester Arthur became president after James Garfield was assassinated.
Dwight: Dwight is an English name meaning devotee of Dionysus. Dwight David Eisenhower was nicknamed "Ike" as a diminutive of Eisenhower.
Franklin: Franklin is an English name meaning free man. The two presidents with the name Franklin were Franklin Pierce and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
George: George is a Greek name meaning farmer. Presidential Georges include George Washington, George Herbert Walker Bush, and George Walker Bush.
Gerald: Gerald is an English name meaning rules with spear. Gerald Ford became president after Richard Nixon resigned from office. A common nickname for Gerald is Jerry.
Grover: Grover is an English name meaning in the grove. Grover Cleveland was the only president named Grover.
Harry: Harry is an English name meaning army ruler. The "S" in Harry S. Truman most likely stands for family names of his two grandfathers "Shipp" and "Solomon."
Herbert: Herbert is an English name meaning army bright. Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States.
James: James is a Hebrew name meaning supplanter. The six presidents with the first name James include James Madison, James Monroe, James Polk, James Buchanan, James Garfield, and James "Jimmy" Carter.
John: John is a Hebrew name meaning God is gracious. Presidential Johns include John Adams, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Lyndon: Lyndon is an English name meaning from the flax hill. Lyndon B. Johnson was nicknamed LBJ. B stood for Baines, his mother’s maiden name.
Martin: Martin is a Latin name meaningservant of Mars. Martin van Buren was the only president with the first name of Martin.

Millard: Millard is an English name meaning guardian of the mill. Millard Fillmore is the only president with the first name Millard.
Richard: Richard is an English name for brave ruler. Richard Nixon was the only president to resign. Nicknames for Richard include Rich, Richie, and Dick.
Ronald: Ronald is an English name for counsel rule. Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United States and was often called Ron or Ronnie.
Rutherford: Rutherford is an English name meaning from the Cattle ford. Rutherford B. Hayes is the only president with the first name Rutherford.
Theodore: Theodore is a Greek name meaning divine gift. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president.
Thomas: Thomas is a Greek name meaning twin. The only American president named Thomas was Thomas Jefferson.
Ulysses: Ulysses is a Latin name meaning wounded in the thigh. Ulysses S. Grant is the only presidential Ulysses but his first name was actually Hiram, a Hebrew name meaning exalted brother.
Warren: Warren is an English name meaning guard. Warren G. Harding’s middle name was Gamaliel, a Biblical name for God is my reward.
William: William is an English name meaning strong-willed warrior. William is the third most common presidential name, after James and John. Presidential Williams include William Henry Harrison, William Taft, William McKinley, and William Jefferson Clinton.
Woodrow: Woodrow is an English name meaning from the lane in the woods. Woodrow Wilson and a founder of the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.
Zachary: Zachary is a Hebrew name meaning God has remembered. Zachary Taylor is the only president with the first name Zachary.

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