Roman God Names: 44 Minor Roman Goddesses Names

Are you interested in Roman Gods and Goddesses? Here comes a list of those notable but minor Roman Goddesses, they could be found in Roman myths, culture and art. These mythology names make perfect names for your girl puppies, check out the below list and choose your favorite Roman Goddesses dog names.

Abundantia: Goddess of abundance and prosperity.

Aurora: Goddess of the dawn.
Bellona: Goddess of war.
Bubona: Goddess of cattle.
Candelifera: Goddess of childbirth.
Carmenta: Goddess of childbirth and prophecy.
Clementia: Goddess of forgiveness and mercy.
Cloacina: Goddess who presided over the sewers in rome.
Concordia: Goddess of agreement.
Cybele: Fertility goddess.
Deverra: Goddess of midwives and women in labor.
Discordia: Goddess of strife and discord.
Edesia: Goddess of food who presided over banquets.
Fama: Goddess of fame and rumor.
Fauna: Goddess of animals.
Felicitas: Goddess of good luck and success.
Fides: Goddess of loyalty.
Flora: Goddess of flowers and spring.
Fortuna: Goddess of fortune.
Hekate: Goddess of magic.
Hespera: Goddess of dusk.
Hippona: Goddess of horses.
Invidia: Goddess of envy or jealousy.

Iris: Goddess of the rainbow.
Justitia: Goddess of justice.
Juventas: Goddess of youth.
Latona: Goddess of motherhood and modesty.
Libertas: Goddess of freedom.
Libitina: Goddess of death, corpses and funerals.
Luna: Goddess of the moon.
Mater matuta: Goddess of dawn and childbirth, patroness of mariners.
Muta: Goddess of silence.
Necessitas: Goddess of destiny.
Nemesis: Goddess of revenge.
Ops: Goddess of fertility.
Pietas: Goddess of duty.
Pomona: Goddess of fruit trees.
Spes: Goddess of hope.
Tempestes: Goddess of storms.
Tranquillitas: Goddess of peace and tranquillity.
Trivia: Goddess of magic and crossroads.
Veritas: Goddess of virtue and truth.
Victoria: Goddess of victory.
Voluptas: Goddess of pleasure.

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