26 Pretty Girl Dog Names Meaning Beautiful

Girl puppies are pretty, beautiful and elegant, you have to choose suitable names for them. Here comes 26 feminine dog names for your female dogs, all of these names have the meaning of beautiful. These names make perfect dog names for your beautiful canines.

Alana: Irish for beautiful.

Amara: German for eternal.
Anahi: The immaculate.
Arabella: Latin for prayerful.
Belinda: Italian for "very beautiful".
Bella: Beautiful or graceful.
Belle: French for beautiful.
Bonita: A feminine given name means "pretty, cute" in spanish and portuguese.
Bonnie: The name bonnie is a sweet girl name means pretty, charming beautiful, sweet and good.
Calla: Greek for "the most beautiful."
Callista: Full of beauty.
Hermosa: Spanish for beautiful.
Ilona: In hungarian, the name ilona means beautiful, sunshine, shining light.
Jamilla: African somali for beautiful.
Jolie: Jolie is a girl name of french origin, and the meaning of jolie is pretty, cheerful.
Linda: German for "linden tree, beautiful."
Mei: Chinese for beautiful.
Mirabella: French for "of incredible beauty."

Naava: Hebrew for beautiful.
Ramana: Sanskrit for beautiful.
Rosalind: Beautiful rose.
Shaina: Yiddish for "beautiful".
Shakila: Beautiful.
Vashti: Farsi for beautiful.
Venus: Goddess of love and beauty.
Zaina: Arabic for beauty.

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