Husky Names: 67 Coolest Siberian Husky Dog Names

Siberian huskies live in the extremely cold weather, and it is a good idea to name your huskies after one of the coolest dog names. Here we pulled together a collection of cool, wintery and athletic dog names for your beloved huskies. These names have the meaning of snow, cold, and wintery in various origins.

Alaska: Alaska is cold and it is a white world. the coldest place in north america.

Amaryllis: Sparkling.
Angel: Spirit or messenger with feathered wings on their backs.
Anuk: Native american for "polar bear."
Aquilo: Roman for "the north wind."
Arctic: Extremely cold.
Arctica: Arctica consisted of the canadian and siberian shields, and is now roughly situated in the arctic around the current north pole.
Aspen: A common name for certain tree species. place name in us, canada, and sweden.
Aster: Star.
Aurora: Aurora is a girl's name of latin origin, and the meaning of aurora is "dawn". aurora was the roman goddess of sunrise. in some versions of the fairy tale "sleeping beauty", the princess's name is aurora.
Bianca: Italian for "white, pure".
Blizzard: A heavy and prolonged snowstorm covering a wide area.
Boreal: Of or relating to the north wind.
Burton: Fort town.
Caius: Rejoice.
Crispin: Curly-headed.
Crystal: Crystal is a clear, transparent semi-precious stone formed from the most refined quartz. the word crystal is of greek origin, and the meaning of crystal is "ice".
Demon: Demon.
Denahi: A variant form of the athabascan denali meaning "high one" or "great one."
Denali: The huge park in alaska. another name for mount mckinley, which is the highest mountain peak in north america.
Eirwen: White snow.
Foxy: Foxy means "sly as a fox". foxy is also a character forever trying to steal chickens and forever getting blasted by the farmer in the topper comics.
Frost: White-haired, born in a cold spell.
Ghost: The white spirit.
Holly: Holly is a popular girl's name, it is of old english origin and the name means "holly tree". holly is often given to daughters born on or near christmas. holly golightly is the heroine in truman capote's nove "breakfast at tiffany's", which was made into a film in 1961, starring audrey hepburn.
Igor: Warrior archer.
Ingrid: Scandinavian for "ing's beauty". in norse mythology, ing was god of earth's fertility and prepare the land each year for spring planting.
Ione: From the king's island.
Isla: Scottish island.
Ivy: An evergreen climbing ornamental plant which represents fidelity and eternity.
Jack: Name based on john, which means "god is gracious". the name has a rugged, down-to-earth aura.
January: The first month of the year, means god of the doorway or door to the year.
Juniper: Juniper is a fresh-feeling nature name. it's a small evergreen shrub with lots of energy.
Kenai: Native american for "black bear."
Lady: A woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken.
Laurel: A medium light hue of greenish gray similar to asparagus, but lighter.
Lucien: Light; from lucanus.
Lumi: Means snow in finnish.
Luna: Luna is a girl's name of latin origin, and the meaning of luna is "moon". in mythology, luna is one of the names of artemis, goddess of the moon. luna is the quirky character in the harry potter series, and luna is also a shapeshifting character in the true blood series.

Maximus: The greatest.
Melchior: King city.
Mukluk: A high, soft boot that is worn in the american arctic and is traditionally made from sealskin.
Noel: Born at christmas.
Noelle: Day of birth.
North: North.
Nymeria: The warrior-queen who led the rhoynar refugees to dorne a thousand years ago.
Odin: Norse for "god of the sky."
Piston: Arabic shining light, high mountain, messenger.
Powder: Substance of fine particles. light, dry snow.
River: A flowing body of water. river is the first child of kelly clarkson and her new husband brandon blackstock. most of the notable rivers have been male, but this nature name certainly flows as well for a girl. the name river is one of the leading nature names inspired by water.
Saxon: German for sharp blade or sword.
Shasta: A potentially active volcano located at the southern end of the cascade range in siskiyou county, california.
Sitka: The alaskan city.
Sky: A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue.
Snow: White blossoms.
Storm: Storm brings to mind the thunderstorms of summer. it is a pleasant sounding word and your lady will love it.
Tank: A tank is a large type of armoured fighting vehicle with tracks, designed for front-line combat.
Tanuki: The japanese raccoon dog.
Tatiana: Variant of an ancient italian name; myth name.
Thor: Thor was the norse god of thunder and power, one of the sons of odin.
Thunder: Sound produced from lightning.
Titan: Comes from greek mythology, where the titans were a band of immortal, powerful giants.
Volcom: Arabic shining light, high mountain, messenger.
Whistler: Pipe player.
Winter: The coldest season of the year in polar climates and temperate climates, between autumn and spring.
Yuki: Snow or lucky.

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