29 Cool Irish Girl Dog Names

Here comes 29 cool girl dog names of Irish origin, check out the below list and enjoy!

Aideen: Little fire.

Ailbhe: White.
Aileen: Little noble.
Ailis: Noble sort.
Aine: Joy.
Aoibheann: Beautiful sheen.
Aurnia: Golden lady.
Beibhinn: Fair lady.
Bridget: Powerful, high one.
Brigh: Power, high.
Bronagh: Sad.
Caoilfhoinn: Fair.
Caoimhe: Beautiful.
Cara: Friend.
Ciara: Dark.
Dana: Bold.
Deirdre: Fearsome one.
Dubheasa: Dark beauty.
Ealga: Noble.
Emer: Swift.
Feidhlim: Beauty.
Fiona: Fair.

Meabh: Bringer of great joy.
Muadhnait: Little noble one.
Niamh: Radiance, brilliance.
Orfhlaith: Golden princess.
Rionach: Like a queen.
Saoirse: Freedom.
Treasa: Strength.

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