35 Angelic Dog Names After Fictional Angels

These most beloved fictional characters are angels in Literature, Comics, Video Games, Movies, and TV shows. You could name your little angel after your favorite angelic character from the list.

Malthael: Diablo 2, Video Games.

Mandos: The Master of Death, J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth novels.
Metatron: Supernatural.
Michael: Archangel Michael is a character in the 1996 American fantasy film Michael, and he is a boozing, smoking, slob yet capable of imparting unexpected wisdom.
Monica: Angel character by Roma Downey in the American supernatural drama series Touched by an Angel.
Naomi: Supernatural.
Neruval: Oyarsa or Ruler of the planet Uranus.
Osse: Middle-earth novels.
Pallando: One of the Blue Wizards, Middle-earth novels.
Perelandra: Oyarsa or Ruler of the planet Venus.
Rachel: Supernatural.
Radagast: The Middle-earth franchise by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Raphael: Supernatural.
Raziel: Literature The Mortal Instruments Series Cassandra Clare.
Samandriel: Supernatural.
Saruman: Middle-earth franchise.
Sauron: the Middle-earth franchise by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Seth: City of Angels.
Solaris: Sonic the Hedgehog, 2006.
Tess: A tough, but loving angel character in the American supernatural drama series Touched by an Angel.
Tulkas the Strong: The defeater of Melkor, Middle-earth novels.
Tyrael: Diablo 2, Video Games.

Uinen: Middle-earth novels.
Ulmo: J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth novels.
Ungoliant: Middle-earth novels.
Uriel: Supernatural.
Vaire the Weaver: Wife of Mandos, J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth novels.
Varda: Queen of the Stars in Tolkien's writings.
Viritrilbia: Oyarsa or Ruler of the planet Mercury.
Xaphania: Literature His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.
Xas: Literature The Vintner's Luck by Elizabeth Knox.
Yavanna Kementari: Queen of the Earth, J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth novels.
Yerzinia: The sister of Satan in G.P. Taylor's novel Wormwood.
Zachariah: Television, Supernatural.
Zauriel: DC Comics.

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