20 Female Dog Names Means Lucky

Everyone want a lucky puppy and today lucky dog names have become more and more popular. If you are looking for some female dog names meaning lucky or fortune, the below collection of dog names will be the answer. All of these dog names have the meaning of lucky or fortune in various origins, just choose one for your beloved puppies.

Evangeline: Latin for "good news".

Falecia: Lucky in Latin.
Fausta: Lucky in Italian.
Faustina: Latin for "lucky, fortunate".
Fayola: Lucky in African.
Felice: French form of Felicia, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
Felisa: Italian form of Felicia, meaning "happy" or "lucky."
Flick: Lucky.
Fortuna: Lucky in Spanish.
Gluke: Variant spelling of Yiddish Glucke, meaning "good luck."
Gwyneth: Welsh name derived from the word gwynaeth, meaning "luck, happiness."
Halona: Native American for "of happy fortune".
Laima: Lithuanian name meaning "luck." Also a goddess of fortune in mythology.
Maimun: Lucky in Arabic.
Mazal: Lucky in Hebrew.
Sadiya: Lucky in Arabic.
Seven: Number seven, considered a lucky or sacred number in many traditions.
Ventura: Spanish for "good fortune".
Yuki: Lucky in Japanese.
Zada: Arabic for "prosperous, fortunate".

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