31 Cherokee Boy Names For Your Male Puppies

The Cherokee tribe of Native American Indians are famous as one of "Five Civilized Tribes", because they had assimilated cultural and customs of white settlers and colonists. If you like traditional Cherokee names or Native American names, you could check out our collection of unusual Cherokee boy names. Most of these names are inspired by the culture, history and traditions of this famous Native American tribe.

Adahy: Lives in the woods.

Ahuli: Drum.
Atohi: Woods.
Atsadi: Fish.
Attakullakulla: Chief.
Austenaco: Chief.
Chea Sequah: Red bird.
Chuquilatague: Doublehead.
Degataga: Standing together.
Diwali: Bowl.
Dustu: Spring frog.
Dustu: Unknown.
Galegenoh: Stag.
Gawonii: He is speaking.
Kanagagota: Standing Turkey.
Kanuna: Bullfrog.
Koatohee: Chief Corn Tassel.
Mohe: Elk.

Oconostota: Warrior of Chota.
Onacona: White owl.
Oukonunaka: White owl.
Rayetayah: Hanging Maw.
Salal: Squirrel.
Sequoyah: Sparrow.
Tooantuh: Spring frog.
Tsiyi: Canoe.
Unaduti: Woolly head.
Waya: Wolf.
Wesa: Cat.
Wohali: Eagle.
Yonaguska: Chief.

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