34 Dog Names From Australian Aboriginal Or Slang

Some of the world famous dog breeds are native to Australia, including the Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Terrier, Labradoodle, and Australian Bulldog. These great Australian dogs deserve suitable dog names of Australian origin.

It is not difficult to find a satisfied Australian dog, you could get your inspirations from Australian people or places, or those worlds with great meanings in Aussie Aboriginal or slang. For example, Mandu means the sun and Miki means the moon, and they make perfect dog names for Australian male and female pair dogs.

Girl Dog Names From Australian

Amarina: Rain.

Bikkie: Biscuit.
Brizzie: Brisbane, the capitol of Queensland, Australia.
Chrissie: Christmas.
Coorah: Woman.
Jillaroo: Young woman in training on a station.
Karri: A type of eucalyptus tree.
Kiah: From the beautiful place.
Kiwi: A New Zealander.
Kora: Companion.
Kylie: Boomerang.
Miki: The moon.
Shelia: A woman.
Sooky: Animal or person who is soft or tame.
Talia: Near water.
Tallara: Another name for rain.

Boy Dog Names From Australian

Ace: The best.

Aussie: A person from Australia.
Bitzer: A mongrel dog.
Boomer: A large male kangaroo.
Brumby: Wild horse.
Dag: A goof, humorous person.
Digger: Australian soldier.
Dux: Top of the class.
Jackaroo: An Australian agricultural trainee.
Jarrah: A type of eucalyptus tree.
Kolya: Winter
Mandu: The sun.
Mani: Equal.
Nioka: Green hills.
Nipper: A young surfer or lifesaver.
Roo: Kangaroo.
Wally: Someone who makes mistakes.
Youri: To hear.

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