45 Creative Color-Inspired Names for Your Puppies

The world of your newborn puppy is colorful and beautiful, just like the rainbow in the sky. Besides, natural-inspired dog names are very popular today. So why not choosing a color-inspired name for your beloved doggie?


You will surely get a perfect dog name from all the hues of the rainbow, it is purely natural and creative. For example, Azure, Coral, Ebony, Goldie, and Olive are all perfect dog names. Check out the below list of color-inspired dog names and get your own ideas.

Name Meaning
Aqua Water
Auburn Persisting
Azure Sky blue
Blue Blue
Cherry Cherry
Cinnamon A spice
Clementine Merciful, mild, gentle
Coral Coral
Crystal Crystal
Ebony Ebony wood
Garnet Grain
Goldie Having the color of gold
Green The color green
Grey Gray-haired
Hazel Hazel Tree - Light brown
Hunter Hunter
Indigo Blue-purple color
Ivory Ivory
Jade Precious green stone
Jet Black gemstone
Jett Black gemstone
Kelly War
Lilac Lilac flower
Magenta A vivid purplish red color
Olive Olive
Pink Pink
Raven Raven
Red Red
Redd Red
Rose Rose
Ruby Red
Rusty Rusty, full of rust
Sable Sable, black
Saffron From the spice or the color, yellow
Scarlet Scarlet
Sienna Reddish orange-brown
Silver Silver, the metal or color
Sterling Little star - stellar
Tan New, Chastity
Tanner Tanner
Tawny Tawny, tanned
Teal The Bird Teal: Also The Blue-Green Color.
Violet Violet

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