72 South African Boerboel Dog Names for Female Puppies

The Boerboel is a large dog from South Africa bred for the purpose of guarding the homestead. The word Boerboel means "Farm Dog". These dogs were bred as working farm dogs and are one of the most powerful dog breeds. They are strong, confident and muscular. Here comes our selection of 72 girl dog names for your South African Boerboel puppies.

Agatha - One who has good qualities.
Alexia - Defender.
Ariel - Spirit.
Attie - Strong as a bear.
Audrey - Noble strength, due to lace and goods sold at Saint Audrey's Fair in England. Audrey Hepburn is regarded as the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.
Autumn - Autumn, the Fall season, is the season of harvest, and it is also the season of Halloween. The Autumn is crisp and colorful, and the name is the most popular season name now.
Aziza - Powerful.
Becker - A baker of bread.
Brianne - Noble, strong, virtuous.
Bridget - The exalted one.
Cara - Friendly.
Cassie - She who entangles men.
Celia - Heaven.
Christa - Follower of Christ.
Christina - Follower of Christ.
Claudine - Lame.
Clemmy - Gentle.
Connie - Steadfast.
Corrie - Maiden.
Damsen - Plum tree.
Darcy - From Arcy.
Delia - Glittering.
Delta - The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.
Destiny - The Greek deity of fate in mythology.
Dilly - From Standard Word Meaning Genuine Or Sincere.
Dion - From the Latin Dionysos or Dionysus, referring to the Greek god of wine.
Grace - Grace is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Grace is "favor; blessing". In Greek mythology, there are three Graces and they were goddesses of nature: Aglaia (brillance), Thalia (flowering), and Euphrosyne (joy).
Gretchen - German variant of Margaret, which means "pearl".
Helena - Wicker, reed, shoot.
Java - Java coffee refers to coffee beans produced in the Indonesian island of Java. The Indonesian phrase Kopi Jawa refers not only to the origin of the coffee, but is used to distinguish a style of strong, black, and very sweet coffee. In some countries "Java" can refer to coffee in general. Also the most populous island located in Indonesia.
Jolie - Jolie is a girl name of French origin, and the meaning of Jolie is pretty, cheerful. Jolie is as pretty as its literal meaning, Angelina Jolie use it as her surname, though it was originally her middle name.
Jordan - The major river in Palestine.
Kaya - Kaya is of Hopi origin, and the meaning of Kaya is "elder sister; wise child". Also Japanese for "the one with the beautiful body, profile".
Kerri - Country of the children of Ciar.
Kiara - Clear.
Kimba - English place-name.
Kimsy - Pure.
Kodi - Helpful.
Koko - The second child.
Lila - Beauty.
Lola - Lola is a hot starbaby name, and the meaning of Lola is "lady of sorrows".
Lucille - Light.
Maddie - Pet form of Mad- names.
Marcelyn - Mars.
Marge - Pearl.
Maria - Star of the sea. A popular variant of Mary.
Maya - Maya is a girl's name of Hindi origin, and the meaning of Maya is "dream, illusion". It also means "water" in Hebrew and "Daughter of Atlas" in Latin.
Minnie - Minnie means "intellect". Made famous by Mickey Mouse's girlfriend Minnie.
Mitzi - Uncertain, maybe bitter.
Mollie - Uncertain, maybe bitter.
Monica - Angel character by Roma Downey in the American supernatural drama series Touched by an Angel.
Nadine - Hope.
Nala - African for Successful. Also a female lion character from Disney's The Lion King.
Nanette - Grace.
Nanu - Beautiful.
Nina - A variant of Neena, which is a Hindi name meaning "pretty eyes".
Nkole - Victory.
Olga - Holy.
Peggy - Pet form of Margaret, a pearl.
Pixie - A fairy like creature. Playful and mischievous.
Remy - Abbreviation Of Remington.
Riana - Great queen, goddess.
Rosina - Rose.
Sacha - Defender of man.
Saskia - Saxon woman.
Skye - Cloud.
Star - A variant of Starla, also an astronomical name based on "star".
Stella - Stella is a girl's name of Latin origin, and the meaning of Stella is "star". Mostly literary use until the 19th century, when the name became popular. Linked in most minds to the movie "A Streetcar named Desire", where Marlon Brando bellowed "Stella!".
Tamzin - Twin.
Vena - Vineyard.
Zanta - A girl who is beautiful.
Zimba - A person from Zimbabwe.

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