12 Pit Bull Terrier Dog Names After Famous Pitbulls In Movies And TV Shows

American Pit Bull Terriers are super stars in movies and TV shows, many of them have gained a lot of fame in the past history. When coming up to Pit bull dog names, why not consider these famous names? Here we pulled together a list of historical Pit bulls in the movies, TV shows, and prints. We also added several heroic Pit bulls to the list. Check out the below list and select your favorite names for your male or female Pit bulls.

Champion - The three-legged pit bull on NBC’s Parks and Recreation, she was played by Lucy.
D-Boy - The dog who took three bullets to save his family from an intruder with a gun.
Grunt - A dog role in the 1983 movie Flashdance, Alex’s faithful canine friend. His real name is Jumbo Red.
Jack Brutus - The dog who served for Company K, the First Connecticut Volunteer Infantry during the civil war.
Nipper - A bull terrier mix from the Little Rascals.
Norton - The dog who was placed in the Purina Animal Hall of Fame after he rescued his owner from a severe reaction to a spider bite.
Petey - A bull terrier mix from the Little Rascals, his real name was Pal.
Popsicle - A five-month-old puppy originally found nearly dead in a freezer, who grew to become one of the nation’s most important police dogs.
Sergeant Stubby - The most decorated dog of World War I, who was capturing a German spy and held him until American soldiers took him prisoner.
Tige - The dog from Buster Brown shoe advertisements.
Titan - The dog who rescued his owner's wife, who would have died from an aneurysm.
Weela - The dog who saved 31 people, 29 dogs, 3 horses and even one cat.

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