100 Original Dog Names That Are Real, Unique, and Funny

Our dogs are special, and they deserve personalized names. Unlike the process of naming a human, you have more freedom to get creative names for your pups. You can even make a funny name or humorous name, that lets both you and your dog show off your funny bones. Here comes a list of over 100 original dog names by the dog parents of the United States, and they make good dog names for your goofy, fun-loving pups.

1. Alfred von Wigglebottom
2. Artoo Dogtoo
3. Banksy
4. Bark Twain
5. Barkley
6. Beans
7. Beau Dacious
8. Bellatrix
9. Beyonce
10. Biggie Smalls
11. Blade
12. Bono
13. Boo
14. Bruce Wayne
15. Brutus
16. Burrito
17. Butters
18. Cacao
19. Captain Sniffer
20. Cedric
21. Chalupa
22. Charlie Brown
23. Cheeseball
24. Cheeseburger
25. Chew Barka
26. Chewbacca
27. Chronic
28. Clooney
29. CoCo Chanel
30. Conan O’Brien
31. Condoleezza
32. Cornelius Fudge
33. Count Droolsbury
34. Deputy Dawg
35. Doc McDoggins
36. Doobie
37. Doodle
38. Droolius Caesar
39. Eddie Veder
40. Elmo
41. Ernest Hemingway
42. Espresso
43. Farrah Fawcett
44. Fido
45. Frodo
46. Fur-dinand
47. Ginger Noodle
48. Gryffindor
49. Hairy Paw-ter
50. Harley Quinn
51. Harry Potter
52. Hash
53. Hashtag
54. Herb
55. Hermione
56. Honey Boo Boo
57. Hotrod Woofington
58. Jimmy Chew
59. Johnny Cash
60. Joni Mitchell
61. Kal-El
62. Kareem Abdul Ja-Bark
63. Koby Teeth
64. Krypto
65. Latka
66. Lucky Goodsniffer
67. Luna Lovegood
68. Lupin
69. Macaroni
70. Malfoy
71. Mary Jane
72. Mary Puppins
73. Maynard
74. McGruff
75. Meatball
76. Minerva
77. Miss Furbulous
78. Mister Fluffers
79. Mister Miyagi
80. Muttley Crue
81. Nacho
82. Neville Longbottom
83. Noodles
84. Orville Redenbarker
85. Oscar Mayer
86. Otto Von Longdog
87. Ozzy Pawsborne
88. Pepper Potts
89. Picasso
90. Prince of Barkness
91. Princess Leia
92. Professor Wagglesworth
93. Pumba
94. Putt Putt
95. Queso
96. Raisin
97. Reeses Puppycups
98. Rex
99. Riddick
100. Rusty
101. Salvador Dogi
102. Santa Paws
103. Sarah Jessica Barker
104. Sativa
105. Scooter
106. Scout and Rumor
107. Scrappy
108. Sergeant Barkowitz
109. Sherlock Bones
110. Sir Barks-a-Lot
111. Sir Waggington
112. Sirius
113. Sitka
114. Snuffles
115. Socks
116. Spark Pug
117. Sparky
118. Spot
119. Springsteen
120. Squeakers
121. Tater
122. Tater Tot
123. Tonks
124. Tony Romo
125. Tyrion
126. Vienna Sausage
127. Waffles
128. Weasley
129. WiFi
130. Willie Nelson
131. Winnie the Poodle
132. Won Ton
133. Wonder Woman
134. Woofer
135. Woofgang Amadeus
136. Yeti
137. Yoda

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