Over 200 Wolf Names For Your Wolf-like Puppies Meaning Wolf

Some breeds of dogs look similar to wolves, for instance German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Samoyed, Alaskan Malamute, and Canadian Eskimo Dog. When coming up to dog names, wolf names will be perfect for these wolf-like dogs. Here comes our complete list of over 200 wolf dog names that mean wolf in various origins, cultures, and languages. These wolf names include different variation forms, feel free to choose your favorite name for your wolf-like puppies.

Accalia: Latin name means "she-wolf."

Adalwolf: German name means "noble wolf."
Adalwolfa: German name means "noble she-wolf."
Adoff: German name means "noble wolf."
Adolfo: Latin name means "noble wolf."
Adolph: German name means "noble wolf."
Adolpha: German name means "noble she-wolf."
Adolphus: German name means "noble wolf."
Adoqhina: Teutonic name means "Feminine form of Adolph. Noble wolf."
Amaguk: Inupiat name means "wolf."
Amarog: Greenland-Inuit name means "wolf."
Amaruq: Inuit name means "grey wolf."
Amoux: French name means "eagle wolf."
Amwolf: German name means "eagle wolf."
Ardolf: English name means "home loving wolf."
Ardwolf: English name means "home loving wolf."
Arnou: French name means "eagle wolf."
Audolf: Norse name means "wolfs friend."
Ayame: a female wolf; demon Princess "
Bardalph: Old English name means "ax wolf."
Bardawulf: English name means "ax wolf."
Bardolf: Old English name means "ax wolf."
Bardolph: famous wolf, ax-wolf, ferocious "
Bardou: English name means "bright wolf; ax-weilding wolf."
Barwolf: English name means "ax wolf."
Beowulf: Anglo-Saxon name means "intelligent wolf."
Bhangi: Tibetan name means "wolf."
Bighana: Central India name means "wolf."
Biryuk: Molokan name means "wolf."
Bjomolf: Norse name means "bear wolf."
Blaez: Old Breton name means "wolf."
Bleddyn: Welsh name means "wolf."
Bledig: Welsh name means "like a wolf."
Bleidd: Welsh name means "wolf."
Bodolf: Norse name means "wolf leader."
Boris: Russian name means "wolf, short."
Botewolf: English name means "herald wolf."
Botolf: Old English name means "messenger wolf; herald wolf."
Botwolf: Old English name means "herald wolf."
Bozkurtlar: Turkish name means "grey wolf."
Cailean: English name means "young wolf."
Cana: Celtic name means "wolf cub."
Canagan: Celtic name means "wolf cub."
Chann: English name means "young wolf."
Channing: Irish name means "young wolf."
Channon: English name means "young wolf."
Chinua: Mongolian name means "wolf."
Colin: Celtic name means "in whelp."
Conall: Irish Mythology name means "strong as a wolf."
Conan: Irish name means "hound, wolf."
Connery: Celtic name means "wolf farmer."
Connor: Irish name means "wolf lover."
Conri: Celtic name means "king of wolves."
Conry: Celtic name means "king of wolves."
Convel: Celtic name means "wolf warrior."
Conwenna: Cornish name means "wolf, hound."
Cuan: Irish name means "little wolf or little hound."
Dib: Arabic name means "wolf."
Dolph: Teutonic name means "wolf."
Dolphus: German name means "noble wolf."
Edon: French name means "wolf."
Ethelwulf: Old English name means "noble wolf."
Eyolf: Norwegian name means "lucky wolf."
Faolan: Irish name means "little wolf."
Farkas: Hungarian name means "wolf."
Felan: Celtic name means "small wolf."
Fenris: Norse name means "mythical monster wolf."
Filtiarn: Celtic name means "lord of wolves."
Freki: Norse name means "myth name of Odin’s wolf."
Fridolf: Old English name means "peaceful wolf."
Friduwulf: Old English name means "peaceful wolf."
Geirolf: Norse name means "wolf spear."
Gmork: a fictional villainous character "
Gonzalo: Spanish name means "wolf."
Gorg: Farsi name means "wolf."
Guadalupe: Arabic name means "wolf valley."
Gunnolf: Norse name means "fighting wolf."
Haquihana: Arapaho name means "wolf."
Hemene: Nez Perce name means "wolf."
Honehe: Cheyenne name means "wolf."
Honi: Arapaho name means "wolf."
Honiahaka: Cheyenne name means "little wolf."
Hrolf: Norse name means "wolf."
Hrolleif: Norse name means "old wolf."
Ingolf: Norse name means "Ing’s wolf."
Ivaylo: Bulgarian name means "wolf."
Kadzait: English name means "wandering wolves."
Kiyiya: Yakima name means "howling wolf."
Kurt: Turkish name means "wolf."
Kweeuu: Hopi name means "wolf."
Landga: Marathi name means "wolf."
Larentia: Latin name means "the shewolf who nursed Remus and Romulus."
Leidolf: Norse name means "wolf descendant."
Leloo: Chinook name means "wolf."
Liekos: Greek name means "wolf."
Llop: Catalonian name means "wolf."
Lobo: Portuguese name means "wolf."
Loup: French name means "wolf."
Louvel: French name means "little wolf."
Lowe: French name means "little wolf."
Lowell: Old French name means "wolf cub; little wolf."
Lupe: Spanish name means "wolf."
Luperca: Latin name means "Shewolf who nursed Romulus and Remus."
Lupin: Anime name means "wolf."
Lupo: Italian name means "wolf."
Lupu: Maltese name means "wolf."
Lupus: Latin name means "wolf."
Lyall: Old Norse name means "wolf; surname."
Lycaonia: Biblical name means "she-wolf."
Lykaios: Greek name means "wolfish, of a wolf; wolf-like."
Maccon: Celtic name means "son of a wolf."
Maengun: Ojibwe name means "wolf."
Maheegan: Native American name means "wolf."
Mahigan: Algonquin name means "wolf."
Maicoh: Navaho name means "wolf."
Maiyun: Cheyenne name means "wolf."
Makoce: Lakota name means "earth."

Marrok: Arthurian legend name means "knight thought to be a werewolf."
Mgelika: Georgian name means "male wolf."
Mingan: Native American name means "grey wolf."
Minsi: Lenape name means "named for the Wolf Clan of the Lenape."
Mohegan: American Indian Lenape name means "wolf."
Nashoba: Choctaw name means "wolf."
Nuntis: Latin name means "the Sun-Wolf."
Odolf: Old German name means "prosperous wolf."
Odwolfe: English name means "wealthy wolf."
Okhmhaka: Cheyenne name means "little wolf."
Olcan: Celtic name means "wolf."
Onai: Tamil name means "wolf."
Ookami: Japanese name means "wolf."
Otsanda: Basque name means "she-wolf."
Otsoa: English name means "wolf."
Phelan: Irish name means "like a wolf."
Radolf: English name means "red wolf."
Rafe: German name means "council of the wolf."
Raff: English name means "red wolf."
Ralf: English name means "red wolf."
Ralph: Old English name means "wolf counsel; a fearless adviser."
Rand: Anglo-Saxon name means "shield wolf."
Randale: English name means "wolf’s shield."
Randall: Old English name means "shield wolf."
Randi: English name means "shield wolf; house wolf; protector."
Randolph: Old German name means "a wolf shield."
Randon: English name means "house wolf; wolf with a shield."
Ranulfo: Teutonic name means "Wolf’s shield; emblem painted on a war shield."
Raoul: English name means "wolf council; red wolf."
Raul: Spanish name means "wolf counsel."
Rendall: English name means "wolf shield."
Reule: French name means "famous wolf."
Rezso: Teutonic name means "famous wolf."
Rodolfo: Spanish name means "famous wolf."
Rolf: Teutonic name means "red wolf."
Rollin: Teutonic name means "famous wolf."
Rollo: Teutonic name means "famous wolf."
Roukan: Japanese name means "wolf counsel."
Rudi: German name means "famed wolf."
Rudolph: Old German name means "famous wolf."
Ruelle: French name means "famous wolf."
Rule: French name means "famous wolf."
Sandalio: Spanish name means "true wolf."
Seff: Hebrew name means "a wolf."
Segolia: Chipewyan name means "wolf."
Shumani: English name means "wolf."
Shunkaha: Lakota name means "wolf."
Singarti: Inuktitut name means "wolf."
Sirhaan: Muslim name means "wolf."
Skoll: Norse Mythology name means "a wolf that chased the sun."
Susi: Finnish name means "wolf."
Tala: Native American Sioux name means "red wolf, stalking wolf."
Tamaska: English name means "a mighty wolf."
Tasha: Caddo name means "wolf."
Tate: Native American name means "stalking wolf."
Tchono: Mongolian name means "wolf."
Teekon: Athabascan name means "wolf."
Tikaani: Ahtna Athabascan name means "wolf."
Timmeu: Old Lenape name means "wolf."
Toralu: Telegu name means "wolf."
Tunstall: Teutonic name means "wolf of Thor."
Ty-ohni: Native American name means "wolf."
Udolf: Old English name means "wolf-wealth."
Udolph: Lakota name means "wind."
Ujku: Albanian name means "wolf."
Ulf: Swedish name means "wolf-like, courageous."
Ulfang: English name means "wolf fang."
Ulfred: Old English name means "wolf of peace."
Ulger: Old English name means "wolf spear."
Ullok: Old English name means "wolf sport."
Ulmar: Old English name means "famous wolf."
Ulmer: Norse name means "fame of the wolf."
Ulra: English name means "famous wolf."
Ulric: English name means "power of the wolf."
Ulrich: English name means "female wolf."
Ulrika: English name means "wolf ruler."
Ulvelaik: English name means "wolf sport."
Ursula: English name means "wolf sport."
Uwais: Muslim name means "small wolf."
Varg: Old Norse name means "wolf."
Vargynja: English name means "little wolf."
Velvel: Yiddish name means "wolf."
Vilkas: Lithuanian name means "wolf."
Vilks: Latvian name means "wolf."
Vuk: Croatian name means "wolf."
Vukasin: Serbian name means "wolf."
Waya: Cherokee name means "wolf."
Weylyn: Celtic name means "the son of the wolf."
Wolfgang: German name means "son of the wolf; path of the wolf."
Wolfram: Teutonic name means "wolf raven."
Wolfrik: German name means "wolf ruler."
Woolsey: English name means "victorious wolf."
Wselfwulf: English name means "wolf of slaughter."
Wulffrith: English name means "wolf of peace."
Wulfgar: English name means "wolf-like spear."
Wulfsige: English name means "victorious wolf."
Ylva: Scandinavian name means "she-wolf."
Yowlumne: Yokut name means "people of the wolf."
Zayev: Hebrew name means "wolf."
Zeeb: Biblical name means "wolf."
Zeus: English name means "wolf God."
Zev: Hebrew name means "wolf."

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