22 Cool Siberian Husky Dog Names Inspired By Geography and Nature

It's not hard to find inspirations for Siberian Huskies. It is recognizable by its thickly furred double coat, erect triangular ears, and distinctive markings; It is active, energetic, resilient breed, whose ancestors lived in the extremely cold and harsh environment of the Siberian Arctic. Since Siberian Huskies hail from northern, cold climates, we could get inspirations from northern places and cold weather. Here comes our selection of 22 awesome Siberian Husky dog names that are inspired by geography and nature.

Alaska: Alaska is cold and it is a white world. The coldest place in north America.

Alpine: Refers to the Alps, the highest and most extensive mountain range system that lies entirely in Europe.
America: A landmass comprising North and South America.
Aspen: A popular tourist destination, a ski resort town in Colorado, United States.
Aurora: Sometimes referred to as a polar light or northern light, is a natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in the high latitude regions.
Avalanche: A sudden and extremely fast flow of slow down a mountain.
Blizzard: A heavy and prolonged snowstorm covering a wide area.
Cheyenne: The capital of Wyoming and largest US city named Cheyenne, a cold place.
Dakota: Forever smiling. Also a Native American tribe and First Nations people in North America.
Fargo: The most populous city in the state of North Dakota.
Frosty: Covered with frost.
Ice: Water frozen into a solid state.
Juneau: The capital city of Alaska, named after gold prospector Joe Juneau.
Kenai: A city in the Kenai Peninsula Borough in the U.S. state of Alaska, the name Kenai means "flat, meadow, open area with few trees" in Tanaina language.
Luna: Latin word for "moon." In mythology, Luna is one of the names of Artemis, goddess of the moon.
Rain: The phenomenon as a name.
River: A flowing body of water. The name river is one of the leading nature names inspired by water.
Siberia: An extensive geographical region, and by the broadest definition is also known as North Asia. A very cold place.

Sky: A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue.
Storm: Storm brings to mind the thunderstorms of summer. It is a pleasant sounding word and your lady will love it.
Tundra: A type of biome where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons. The word Tundra means "treeless mountain tract" in Russian.
Winter: The coldest season of the year in polar climates and temperate climates, between autumn and spring.

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