10 Best Yorkshire Terrier Dog Names For Little Yorkies

Yorkies are fashionable puppies. Though small, the Yorkshire Terrier is active, very overprotective, curious, and fond of attention. When coming up to dog names, you need to choose some glamorous names to fit the breed's personalities. Here comes our selection of 10 best Yorkshire Terrier dog names for your male or female Yorkies.

Avery: Light and nimble as a bird.

Cecil: Blind, as in one who has lost his path or one who has no direction in life, or goals.
Chablis: Resembling the dry white wine.
Dickens: Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.
Dylan: Derived from from an Old Celtic element meaning "sea."
Esme: French for esteemed, beloved, and emerald.
Fiona: Scottish for "white, fair."
Maybelle: Form of Mabel, meaning "my beautiful one" in French.
Owen: Owen is a resonant Celtic name, and the name means "young warrior."
Pookie: A cute little boy.

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