17 Delicious Fruit Dog Names of summer

Summer is a season of the fruits, watermelons, cherries, and blackberries, all of them are really delicious and sweet. While you are enjoying the great season and fruits do not forget to choose a name for your new born puppy. I know it is not easy, do not worry, we have prepared some fruit dog names for you and they are perfect names for dogs due in summer. 


Apple is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. Apples have been present in the mythology and religions of many cultures, including Norse, Greek and Christian traditions. Apple has been popular as a girl name for years, and of course it is a perfect dog name.


Apricot is a drupe similar to a small peach, from yellow to orange, often tinged red on the side most exposed to the sun. The flesh is usually firm and not very juicy. Its taste can range from sweet to tart. Apricot can be used as a dog name for those blonde-colored dogs.


Cherry is a fleshy stone fruit. The cherry fruits of commerce are usually obtained from a limited number of species such as cultivars of the sweet cherry. Wild Cherry may refer to any of the cherry species growing outside of cultivation.


Summer tastes like durian if you think it is a fruit. The sticky thereafter of its telltale smell is unforgettable. In Malay word, durian means “the thorny fruit”. Durian is the danger and delight harvest of the summer.


Figs are a large and deciduous shrub, they are used to lower and control high blood pressure because they are filled with potassium, a mineral used to control hypertension. It also helps people mislay weight. Figs are good for those with diabetes and breast cancer.


A grape is a fruiting berry of the deciduous woody vines of the botanical genus Vitis. Grapes can be eaten raw or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, and grape seed oil. Grapes are good source of Vitamin A.    


Guava is a fruit accessible from late spring through early fall. Guava fruits are sodium free, low in fat and calories. It also reduces the possibility of coronary heart disease.


Kiwi fruit is packed with more vitamin C than orange, and this makes it a better choice when it comes to one of the summer fruits that offer excellent nutrition. 


Limes and lemons look similar, but limes are smaller and green when ripe.  Lime color ranges from light to medium green, sometimes with a slight yellow cast.


Lychee is a summer fruit due from mid-June to mid-July, it is fragrant, sweet, and brightly colored strawberry shaped fruits with thin leathery skin. Lychee fruits are low in calories and it also contains no saturated fats or cholesterol.


Mango fruit is nutritionally rich with distinctive flavor, smell and taste. Mangos are seasonal fruits that begin in the month of May. It is a very rich source of potassium, vitamin C and E. Mango may also help prevent cancer and promotes healthy skin.


The melon is a botanical fruit; some varieties may be considered culinary vegetables rather than fruits. Watermelon is the yummy, flavored fruit and it contains 90% water that we usually have during summer in sort to keep our bodies hydrated.


Papaya flesh is an orange color with either yellow or pink hues. Papayas bid the luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics. Papaya also contains rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C and carotenes.  


Peach has a white flesh which is generally sweet and have very little acidity. It is enormously rich in vitamin A and potassium and makes the skin healthy and also adds color to the complexion.


Pears are yummy fruits and it is a group of pear varieties having crispy and juicy fruit. The season for pears runs from August through October. A single pear has more fiber than an apple, comparable vitamin C, and only a few more calories and carbs.


A plum is a drupe fruit of the subgenus Prunus of the genus Prunus. The Plum flesh is firm, juicy and mealy. Plums fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which proves helpful in improving the digestive system.


The smell of fresh citrus fruits is unforgettable in summer. Oranges are rich in potassium and an essential nutrient and have enough potassium that can prevent against muscle cramps during workouts.
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