How to Teach your Dog Recognize his Name

Now you have chosen a perfect dog name for your puppy, but if he doesn’t recognize his name, he will not respond to you. So what’s on the top priorities is teaching your dog his name. 

Things will be not too hard if you follow our instructions below. 
  • Step 1: Go to your local pet or grocery store and buy some treats or toys as the awards.

  • Step 2: Select a quiet place, such as kitchen or living room, make sure your dog is in a good mood and there are no distractions. 
  • Step 3: Call your dog in a clear and upbeat voice. If he turns to you, please your dog immediately and reward him with a tasty treat. Instead, turn and leave the room for a few seconds. 
  • Step 4: Repeat the sequence for approximately five minutes later. Practice it three times per day in different areas of the house.
  • Step 5: After the dog responds to his name consistently, practice in different rooms in the house. Then move the training outside, for instance in the yard or at the park. 
  • Step 6: Practice while the dog is engaged in various activities, such as chewing, walking, playing, sleeping, etc. 
Do not ask your dog to do anything else during the teaching phase. It may take patience and repetition before your dog knows his name. When your dog knows his name, you can call him when he runs away from you; he will come back to you immediately. This may save the dog’s life potentially when threatened. 

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