
Pronunciation: [E-ric]

Gender: Male

Meaning: Eternal ruler

Origin: Norse

Variant Forms

AricEternal rulerMaleNorse
ErichEternal rulerMaleNorse
ErickEternal rulerMaleNorse
ErikEternal rulerMaleNorse
ErykEver Powerful RulerMalePolish
RickStrong powerMaleFrench
RickeyStrong powerMaleFrench
RickyStrong powerMaleFrench
RikkiStrong powerFemaleFrench

Famous People Named Eric

George Frideric Handel was a German-born, British Baroque composer who spent the bulk of his career in London, becoming well known for his operas, oratorios, anthems and organ concertos.

Frederick Douglass was a slave turned social reformer.

Frederick Delius was an English composer.

Frederick Buechner is an eminent American theologian and writer.

Frederick Banting made history with the discovery of Insulin.

Federico Fellini was a renowned Italian filmmaker and scriptwriter.

Erich Maria Remarque was a German writer best known for his novel 'All Quiet on the Western Front.

Eric Liddell was a Scottish athlete, rugby player and missionary.

Eric Idle is an accomplished British entertainer who has made his presence felt as an actor, comedian and singer.

Eric Clapton is a successful singer and guitarist of British origin.

Eric Cantona is a French actor and one of the most vibrant football players of the French national team.

Dieterich Buxtehude was a cardinal musician during the mid-Baroque period.

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