Sarah Bernhardt was one of the most excellent actors of the 19th century France.
Leonard Bernstein was one of the most influential classical musicians of his age, very few musicians can boast of a career like Leonard Bernstein.
Jacob Bernoulli is a very well-known Swiss mathematician.
Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician and physicist who did pioneering work in the field of fluid dynamics and kinetic theory of gases.
Bernhard Riemann Biography was an exceptional German mathematician who gifted the world with some of his eternal contributions.
Bernard Malamud was a prolific American writer and winner of Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Bernard Hinault is a former French cyclist, a five-time winner of the Tour de France.
Bernard Cornwell is an English author best known for his historical novels.
Bernard Berenson was an American art historian, an expert on Italian Renaissance paintings and drawings.
Anton Webern was an Austrian music composer and conductor who carved a niche for himself in music.