Verghese Kurien was the founder Chairman of the National Dairy Development Board, best known as the “Father of the White Revolution” in India.
Uri Geller is popularly known for his spoon-bending antics.
Surin Pitsuwan is a Thai politician and diplomat.
Nirad C. Chaudhuri was an author best known for the book ‘The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian’.
Mikuláš Dzurinda is a former Prime Minister of Slovakia.
Miguel Ángel Asturias was a literary figure of Guatemala who was honoured with the ‘Nobel Prize’ for literature.
Mauricio Funes is credited with establishing peace and uplifting the economy of the nation during his tenure.
Maurice Ravel was a late 19th century composer, and he was an orchestrator of melodies.
Maurice Chevalier was a French actor and singer best known for the song ‘Thank Heaven for Little Girls’.
Maurice Allais was the first French to receive the Nobel Prize.
Laurie Anderson is an American performance artist, known for her unique spoken-word albums and distinctive performance art pieces.
Katie Couric is an American television news anchor, journalist and author.
David Ben-Gurion was the first prime minister of Israel.
Daphne du Maurier was a famous English writer and playwright.
Christopher Maurice Brown is a Grammy Award winning R&B performer.