Top 10 Female Dog Names in Australia

Are you interested in dog names inspired by Australian baby names? You may wonder know what are popular Australian dog names. Here comes the top 10 girl dog names in Australia, they make perfect names for your Australian breeds dogs.

Ava: Birdlike. also the name of a roman catholic saint.

Amelia: Latin for "rival, eager work".
Charlotte: Little and womanly, made popular by queen charlotte, george iii's wife.
Olivia: A feminine form of oliver. the olive tree is a symbol of fruitfulness, beauty, and dignity.
Chloe: Chloe was the summer epithet of the goddess demeter and recalls her gift for making flowers bloom.
Ella: A short form of eleanor and ellen, meaning "light." also mean "beautiful fairy woman" in english and "goddess" in hebrew.
Sophia: Sophia is of greek origin, and the meaning of sophia is "wisdom".
Mia: Feminine abbreviation of michal.
Emily: Hard working.
Lily: Lily is a girl name of latin origin, and the meaning of the name lily is flower name, pure. the name lily has been a symbol of innocence and purity as well as beauty, due to its cool elegance and lovely sound.

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